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the next month was a blur of not seeing rafe and seeing topper constantly, going out and doing fun things on the figure eight or on the mainland. the court date had come and gone, and i was officially under my dad's full custody. which topper, sarah, katie, beckett and i all went and celebrated. it'd been great, finally feeling somewhat free, even though i knew it wasn't going to end up that way.

but tonight, it was finally the midsummers party, which everyone had been hyping up nonstop, making me only more excited. i was currently in my room with sarah and katie, all of us dolled up and ready to go. my dad was taking the girls and their boyfriends while topper was taking me, noelle and pope.

"okay, that's the last stand." i told katie, spraying her last curl with hairspray.

"knock knock," i heard my dad say as he knocked.

"come in," i said and watched the door open, revealing him.

"you girls almost ready? all the dates are here." he said.

"yeah, we're ready." sarah nodded and stood and pulled her heels. we all followed my dad out and down the stairs, seeing the boys all stood at the bottom, smiling up at us.

"picture time," my dad grabbed his camera as i laughed.

"you look beautiful," topper told me, holding his hand out as i smiled.

"you look pretty decent too." i shrugged. he laughed as my dad ushed us all together, taking picture of us all, us separately with our dates and then finally just individually pictures.

"okay, dad, seriously, we're going to be late."

"right, right." he placed the camera down. "let's go."


"wow," i said as i climbed out of the car with topper's help. i looked up at the building, seeing it decorated and lit up.

"kooks know how to party." topper told me, pushing the door shut as i laughed, looking to him.

"this is just...beyond though."

"come on," he offered me his arm. i wrapped my hand in his elbow, walking along with him as the wind pushed through my dress, letting it flow perfectly behind me. we got inside, passing through to the back where the dance floor was. "you want to dance?"

"hell yeah i do." i nodded and dragged him over. we got on to the dance floor, as he spun me towards him. i laughed, as i let out hands and finger fold together. the song switched to Symphony by Clean Bandit and Zara Larrson as he spun me around, then pulled me into his body. he wrapped his arms around me from behind as we swayed. he laughed into my ear.

"are you feeling okay?" he asked as i turned myself, facing him.

"i'm feeling great, it's been a good week with the court decision and this..." i shrugged.

"your dad told me he's starting to look at new houses."

"yeah," i nodded. "he wants to run before my mom can even think about catching up."

"that sucks, i understand it but i wish you could stay."

"i wish i could too." i told him. "i love it here."

"well, i'll come visit, where ever the hell you are, i'll come see you."

i smiled as everyone on the danced floor started singing.

"i just want to be part of your symphony!" they sang. "will you hold me tight and not let go."

i laughed as topper and i looked into each other's eyes.

summer of love • rafe cameron 2Where stories live. Discover now