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when i woke up, my room as dark and i heard faint music, coming from outside. i rubbed my eyes and pushed myself up. i walked down the stairs, seeing the kitchen light on and the music louder now. i went into the kitchen, seeing my phone on the counter with a note next to it. i grabbed it, scanning my eyes over it.

"had to work, didn't want to wake you up for food, just order yourself something or go out. love you lots, dad." i read and tossed it in the trash. i grabbed my phone, seeing i had missed text messages from two unknown numbers. i clicked on the first one, seeing a picture of rafe and topper with cups of what i assumed was alcohol, along with a "come over," text.

i laughed, clicking on the next one with just a picture of rafe's face, up close, also telling me to come to topper's. i shook my head and slid my phone into my pocket. i slid on my vans and walked out of the house, now hearing the music even louder. i looked over at topper's house, seeing it lit up loud. i hurried over, walking through the house where it was crowded inside. i pushed past people, looking around for one of the two faces i knew.

i made my way further in, eventually landing myself in the kitchen. i saw a cooler and grabbed out a screwdriver. i twisted the top off being taking a sip and moving through more people. i eventually got to the backdoor, seeing them standing outside. i walked out and over.

"finally," i said which made the whole group of people look over.

"yeah, about time!" rafe said. "we texted you like an hour ago."

"i was asleep." i shrugged.

"lazy," he smiled at me.

i rolled my eyes with a smile.

"you want to play?" he asked, motioning to the game of beer pong they were playing.

"i'll watch," i shook my head, taking another sip.

"how was your nap?" topper asked, slinging his arm over my shoulders.

"it was just fine," i smiled. i looked around the other teenagers at the table, all of them giving me weird looks.

"guys, this is cami, she's logan montogmery's daughter." rafe introduced before tossing the ball, letting it land in a cup. he cheered, high fiving topper. rafe looked at me. "you don't need to know their names, they don't matter."

"and you do?" i asked which made topper snort.

"god you're sassy today." rafe smiled and turned back to the table.

"my turn," topper handed me his cup before stepping up to the table.

"logan's daughter, huh?" some girl walked up to me. i looked at her.

"yeah," i nodded.

"well, listen," she said. "there's already been talk about you around here."

"there has?" i raised an eyebrow.

"yeah, first off, this isn't hollywood, no one cares that you're here." she said. "second off, rafe is off limits, everyone knows that so stop giving him the goo-goo eyes."

"what?" i laughed. "i'm not-"

"just stay away from rafe." she said and walked past me, bumping our shoulders. i turned fast.

"i don't know who the hell you think you are, but don't fucking talk to me like that." i said which made her spin.


"you think you're hot shit or something?" i asked. "because you're not."

"cami," rafe grabbed my arm. i pushed him off.

summer of love • rafe cameron 2Where stories live. Discover now