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later that night, after my dad's friends had left and he'd gone to bed, i went out to the balcony at the end of the hallway. i hadn't been out here yet, but it perfectly overlooked his yard and the water. you could see topper's backyard too, which sat empty and dark. i looked back out at the water, sighing. it'd been a weird day, a weird few days honestly, but no matter what i did, i just kept coming back to rafe. everything i thought of, reminded me of him, which just made me so frustrated. he was a nice guy, and he was attractive, but i wasn't the type of girl to just fall for a boy right away. i'd been with louis two years and still hadn't said i loved him, which wasn't a complete loss.

"hey juliet!" i heard and jumped, looking down by the pool and seeing rafe standing there.


"hey," he smiled. "want to let me in or is this going to become a rapunzel-flynn rider thing?"

i laughed, "the back door is open."

"be right up," he said and hurried over. i shook my head, surprised but also curious as to why the hell he was here after earlier. i turned as the door flew open. he smiled at me, pushing it shut.

"what are you doing here?" i asked.

"i have a surprise for you." he said. "can you trust me?"

"what surprise do you have for me at ten pm?" i asked, glancing at my watch.

"just trust me?"

i crossed my arms over my chest, "and why would i do that?"

"because i'm awesome and very trust worthy?" he flashed a smile, trying to persuade me. and i hated it, but it worked.

"fine," i gave in and walked forward. "where are we going?"

"first things first, you need to change." he looked at my dress.


"i rode my bike over here," he said.

"come on," i laughed and walked in, letting him follow. we got to my room and i pulled on jeans under my dress before pulling it off. i tossed it aside before grabbing a shirt, turning as i pulled it on. rafe's eyes were on mine, watching my body. "hey, eyes up here?

he jumped, moving his eyes up to my face.

"sorry," he said. i smiled, pulling vans on.

"where we headed?" i asked.

"come on," he grabbed my hand, pulling me with him down the stairs as i giggled. we got outside and he handed me his helmet.

"what about you?" i asked.

"put the damn helmet on," he told me, placing it on my head. he climbed on, letting me climb on the back, i placed my hands on his waist as he looked over his shoulder at me. "hold on."

i nodded and he took off as i got spooked at the sudden rush. i wrapped my arms around him, pulling myself closer to him. he laughed and got to the end of the street. he went on for a couple more streets before he pulled into an overgrown yard. he put the kickstand down before i pulled off the helmet, letting my hair fall out against my chest. he looked over his shoulder at me.

"what is this?" i asked.

"an abandoned house," he smiled.

"did you bring me here to murder me?" i asked.

he laughed and climbed off, taking the helmet.

"no, i promise." he said and hung it on the handlebar. he held his hand out and let me take it, helping me off the bike.

summer of love • rafe cameron 2Where stories live. Discover now