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"what are you doing here?" i asked, pushing myself to stand.

"what do you think i'm doing here?" she asked. "we're leaving, go grab your things."

"what?" i asked.

"you're coming home."

"no she's not caroline, she's staying put." my dad said. "who do you think you are? showing up here?"

"i think i'm her mother." she said and looked back at me. "god, it hasn't even been a week and you've gained at least a pound."

i felt my chest start to hurt as my stomach dropped. i crossed my arms over my body, slouching.

"what the hell is wrong with you?" my dad asked.

"dad," i shook my head as he looked over at me.

"no," he said. "i'm done with this. go upstairs."

"and start packing your things." my mom butt in.

"don't touch anything." he said. i looked between them, but didn't reply and walked inside and up the stairs. i pushed the door shut and walked over to the bathroom. i flipped the light on, stepping in front of the mirror. i looked down at my body, turning to show the side angle. i felt my throat run dry as my eyes teared up. i blinked, letting one fall down my face. i walked back out, grabbing a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. i changed into them before walking over and sitting on the bed.

i pulled my knees to my chest, only imagining what my mom was downstairs saying to my dad, about me and about him. she hated everything that she didn't have control over, and the one thing she never had control over, was my dad. my entire life, i've almost sure, that's why she married him. she wanted to fix him, he was just a project, but my dad was already perfect.

i heard a door slam downstairs as i pushed myself up, over to the door. i pulled it open slightly, hearing them inside now.

"she's coming home with me," my mom said. "we made the agreement that she'd be with me, that'd she stay with me. i let this summer slide because i thought she was smarter than this."

"would you stop belittling her?" he asked. "she's smart, she's gorgeous and she's already too skinny for her own good. you're going to fuck her up. she's staying here and if you'd like to get the courts involved, be my guest."

"you don't know anything about-" my mom started but was cut off as they both fell quiet. i heard soft talking before i heard my mom's loud voice again. "this is exactly what i mean, you're trying to be her friend, not her parent!"

that's when i saw a figure appear at the top of the stairs. they looked over as we caught eyes. rafe.

"hey," he said and hurried over as i pushed myself out of the room, into his arms. he held me tight against him.

"oh shut up!" my dad yelled. "rafe's a good kid, i know him and i trust him. he's been a good friend to cami this past week."

"god, you know she got that stupid name idea from you! her name is not camille or cami, it's alexis."

i shut my eyes, letting out a sob into rafe's chest.

"her name is whatever the hell she wants it to be!" my dad fought back.

"come on," rafe said and pushed me inside my room, closing the door.

"no, rafe, you need to open that." i said and tried to pull the handle.

"no," he caught me. "you shouldn't be listening to that."

"please, she's going to get mad. please, just open it."

summer of love • rafe cameron 2Where stories live. Discover now