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a little while later, rafe had fallen asleep, sprawled out on his bed. topper was sprawled out on the bean bag, also asleep. i was sat at rafe's desk, flipping through the sporting magazines he had. i finished the last one, placing it down and accidentally hitting the mouse to his laptop. the screen lit up as i looked over, seeing a picture of rafe and a pretty blonde girl. they were laying in a hospital bed, snuggled up and smiling wide.

i furrowed my eyebrows, looking at the picture. who was this girl? did he have a girlfriend?

i looked over, see both boys still fast asleep. i looked around his room, if he had a girlfriend, then he had to have more proof. i opened a desk drawer, seeing an entire stack of pictures. i reached over, grabbing them out. the first one was the same picture as the laptop screen. i flipped to the next one and this one was the two of them, topper and another girl, all dressed up in dresses and suites. rafe and the girl were smiling wide, holding each other. her eyes were on the camera but his were on her. i felt my chest hurt slightly as i flipped to the next one. this one, they were in bathing suites, on a beach at night. there were people behind them in the water swimming. she was hugging him tight as her legs wrapped around his torso. he was laughing, smiling big. the next one was the same picture, but slightly blurred as he legs were dropping to hit the ground.

i flipped through more of them before i finally stopped on one of a man and a woman, two teenagers, the girl and rafe. rafe had her arm around her as she leaned into his chest, her hand was holding the other girls, their fingers crossed. the girls other arm was looped with the boys, leaning her cheek on his. the man and woman were smiling wide, her hand on his chest and his over her shoulder.

i wasn't sure who any of them were, but it looked like a fun bunch. that's when rafe's bedroom door flew open. i looked over, seeing sarah.

"hey," she said and looked at me.

"hey," i said.

"my dad just got home, thought i'd help rafe not get in trouble, no closed doors are allowed with the opposite gender."

i nodded, "thanks."

"what are you looking at?" she asked and moved over. i watched her face fall flat. "you shouldn't touch those."


"rafe really hates when people look at these." she grabbed them, putting them back in order before placing them back in the drawer.

"who is that girl?" i asked, pointed to the laptop screen.

"it's gracelynn," she said.

"his girlfriend?" i asked as another figure appeared in the doorway. we both looked over, seeing a man.

"hello," he said and looked at me.

"hi," i smiled softly.

"who are you?"

"i'm cami montgomery." i said.

"she's logan's daughter, visiting from california." sarah told him.

"what is she doing in rafe's room?"

"sorry, i went to the golf course with them, we came back here and the boys fell asleep." i motioned to them.

"it's fine dad, i've been here the whole time." sarah said. "nothing is going on."

he nodded, "wake your brother up."

he moved out as sarah and i looked to each other.

"that's our dad." she said and moved over to rafe. that's not what i cared about though, who was this girl?

summer of love • rafe cameron 2Where stories live. Discover now