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around two weeks later, and it'd been silent on the field surrounding my mom. we hadn't heard anything from her and there had been no sign of her here or back in california. the police were on standby, but weren't sitting outside the house anymore, which scared me, but rafe hadn't left my side. he was with me all day, everyday.

"okay," i sat the popcorn bowl down on the coffee table, in front of rafe and topper.

"get out of the way!" topper yelled, moving so he could see the tv.

"ha! i'm in first place now!" rafe laughed as i looked over at the tv, seeing them racing their mario kart characters. i looked over at wheezie who had her controller in her hand, her tongue stuck out as she concentrated hard on the screen. i looked over to sarah and john b on the other chair, cuddled up. john b was also focused on the tv as sarah looked at me, shaking her head.

i laughed lightly before going back into the kitchen, grabbing my soda. i watched the race end before i walked back over, sitting next to rafe on the couch.

"fuck! i'm in second place overrall now!" topper whined and looked to me. "this is your fault."

"bite me," i snorted.

he narrowed his eyes at me as rafe laughed.

"another round?" he asked.

"i'm done, this game is stupid." wheezie handed the controller over.

"don't mind if i do." i took it. "i'll whoop all your asses."

"yeah, right." sarah grabbed the controller from john b. "i'm the best at this game, undefeated."

"you suck at this game." rafe told her and pressed the next button. we all chose our characters and our vehicles before he pressed start on the first race. i focused hard, moving my remote and of course, finishing in first.

"ha! suck it!" i laughed.

"hey!" i heard ward's voice as we all looked over, seeing him and rose walk in with groceries. "let's not use that kind of language."

"sorry mister cameron," i said.

rafe snorted as i looked to him. he kissed my forehead.

"we brought home donuts." rose stated.

"i'm there," i pushed myself up and over to the kitchen swiftly. i grabbed a strawberry sprinkled one, biting into it as i turned to rafe as he smiled, touching my waist.

"you like that?" he asked, laughing as i moaned.

"i love donuts," i smiled and moved out of this way. he grabbed one and bit into it.

"hey, cameron kids." rose said. "we're going shopping for midsummers tomorrow, so up by nine and out of the house by ten."

"midsummers?" i asked, looking between them.

"it's a big kook party thrown on the figure eight." john b explained, leaning on the counter as he grabbed a donut from the box. "it's like a high class prom and you can only go if you're invited by a kook."

"oh," i said. "well that sounds nice."

"i totally forgot about that stupid thing." rafe shook his head.

"stupid?" sarah asked. "you love midsummers."

"yeah, you've always enjoyed it." rose said.

he shrugged, "well maybe not this year."

i swallowed my donut and started feeling bad. if rafe loved midsummer, why didn't he want to go this summer? was it me?

"you said that last year too." sarah stated.

summer of love • rafe cameron 2Where stories live. Discover now