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once we got home, my dad and the officer stood downstairs, talking as i ran up to my bedroom. i stripped of my dress and changed into sweatpants and a random t-shirt. i stepped into my bathroom, pulling my hair up as i opened all the boxes. i dumped the tests out and sighed, opening them all before following the instruction. i placed them on the counter as i washed my hands and sat on the tub.

"cami?" i heard my dad as he knocked on the door before stepping in. i looked over at him as my heart races. "did you take them?"

"yeah, they're still loading." i replied quietly as he moved over, placing himself next to me.

"is it rafe's?" he asked.

"yeah," i nodded, not looking at him.

"i thought we talked about it."

"i know." i shut my eyes. "it just happened and i thought it'd be okay just the once."

"that's what everyone says." he looked at me. i felt a tear fall down my face before i let my eyes meet his.

"dad, if i am, then mom knows and i just..."

"i know," he nodded. "it's whatever you decide."

"i want to keep it," i shrugged as i cried. "but i'm in danger and mom is going to be chasing us, she's going to want my baby."

"she's never going to get your baby." he shook his head. "she's never going to get you, honey."

"they're not going to catch her, not tonight and not for a while."

"you've got to have some faith."

"no, dad, because it all just fake, it's all bullshit." i cried. "every fucking fairytale is just folklore, it's not real and it never will be."

"what happened? with you and rafe?"

"he's a dick," i wiped my face. "he just needed someone to fix his ego so he could go and cheat on them. i just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"he loves you." he told me. "it's clear he does, do you know one hundred percent he cheated?"

"no, but he didn't deny it."

"he's a teenage boy, he probably didn't even realize what he was being accused of."

i sighed, wiping my face.

"i don't know what to do anymore, dad, i'm exhausted."

"i know," he nodded as there was a beeping noise. i took a breath and pushed myself up, standing over the counter, leaning my on my arms against the granite. i let my eyes scan the test as i felt my heart drop.

"fuck!" i yelled and hit them to the ground. i sobbed, turning to my dad as he sighed. he stood up and hugged me tight, holding me as i cried into him.

"oh god, dad." i pushed out.

"it's okay," he told me, whispering. "it's okay."

i let my eyes shut, letting him rock me back and forth, calming me down, just like when i was a kid. after he got me to stop crying, he moved me to the bed and let me lay down. i faced the window, staring out at the water through the dark room and dark outside. my dad was back downstairs, probably talking to the cop, or cops.

here i was though, pregnant and numb. i couldn't believe that this was what the summer turned into. it started as a free trip from my mom, but now here i was, scared for my life, scared for my baby's life. i was having a baby. i was having rafe's baby. oh my god, rafe didn't know that. was i supposed to tell him? would my dad? did he even need to know? how would he even react to that?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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