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the following morning when i walked downstairs, my dad was on the couch, pulling on his work shoes, dressed in his scrubs.

"you're leaving?" i asked, making him look up at me. he sighed.

"yeah, i got called in for a surgery." he said.

"where's mom?" i asked.

"out back tanning, or something." he shook his head.

i nodded, "what am i supposed to do all day?"

"don't worry," he smiled and pushed himself up as the front door opened.

"i've arrived!" i heard topper's voice. i turned, watching him walk in with noelle and sarah.

"hey," i smiled. "what are you doing here?"

"picking you up for rafe," he said. "why aren't you dressed?"

"i just woke up."

"well go change," he told me, motioning up the stairs.

"okay," i laughed.

"see you tonight," my dad kissed my head. he moved out of the house as i ran back up the stairs. i got changed into a pair of shorts and a cute top before brushing my teeth and hair. i grabbed my phone, sliding on shoes before going back downstairs.

"okay, i'm ready." i said as they all stood from the couches. the back door opened and we all looked over, seeing my mom step in, pulling a towel around her body.

"hello?" she asked, looking at my friends.

"okay, we're leaving." i smiled and ushered them out.

"cami," my mom said sternly. i looked at topper, nodding and letting them walk out. i looked over to my mom, pushing the front door shut. "where are you going?"

"out with my friends."

"what about your run?"

"i'm not going on one."

"yes you are," she nodded and walked over. she reached forward and pulled my shirt tighter on my body. "you see that pouch? that shouldn't be there."

"get off of me." i said and pushed her hands away.

"you're getting fat and if you're fat, you're ugly. you don't want to be ugly, now do you?"

i swallowed as my stomach started to shrink and my throat started to close. i stared at her as she watched my body.

"your arms are big, how could this have happened so quickly? you must be eating a ton." she looked in my eyes.

"i'm leaving." i pushed out and turned.

"get back here," she reached forward and grabbed my elbow, digging her nails into my skin as i winced, letting her pull me back. she stepped closer, pointing her finger in my face. "you can listen to your dad and let him tell you that you're skinny and beautiful, but you'll never truly be either of those things. your hair is dead and your skin is pale. you've got an oily face and you're nothing but chub all over your body."

i felt a tear run down my face as she stared at me.

"and you've got the blandest personality i've ever seen, i'm surprised you've had so many boyfriends and friends." he said. "it's charity work."

i shook my head and pulled away. i hurried out of the house, slamming the door shut before climbing in the front seat of topper's jeep.

"hey," topper said and sat up. "what the hell happened?"

summer of love • rafe cameron 2Where stories live. Discover now