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"alright, where are we headed now?" i asked as rafe pulled me off the boat.

"your dads home, so to his house." he looked down at me, still holding my waist.

"then what?"

"you'll see." he said.

i raised an eyebrow.

"come on," he smiled and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up as i squealed, holding on to him.


"you're not fun," he said and placed me down. i smiled up at him as he kissed me. he turned me around and we went over to his truck, climbing in before he hurried to my house. he parked and we climbed out, going inside where we heard yelling right away. i felt my stomach drop as my face heated up. rafe slammed the door shut which caused the house to fall quiet. i let my fingers slip into his as we walked into the living room where my parents were standing.

"finally," my mom said. "cami, go pack your things, we're leaving."

"what?" i asked.

"you're not going anywhere." my dad told me. "except for charleston with rafe and i tonight."

"charleston?" i asked, glancing at rafe as he smiled. "oh my god." i smiled.

"go pack some bags, we're going for the weekend." he told me.

"okay," i nodded.

"she's coming home with me, she's my daughter!"

"she's my daughter too!" my dad fought back. "open your eyes, if she wanted to go home with you, don't you think she would've left already? i guess you don't realize that though, because you're too busy bruising her!"

"what the hell are you talking about?" my mom asked as my dad looked over to me. i stepped forward, moving my arm to show them both the fine bruise that had formed on my arm. "that was not from me, it must be from her new boyfriend."

"it is from you." i said as she turned to look at me, fuming. rafe stepped between us, moving me behind him.

"don't you dare accuse me of something so terrible. you have no proof."

"it wasn't there before topper walked out to his car, but it was there after i walked out." i said. "that's proof enough considering you were the only one with me in those few minutes."

"you're such a lying brat!" she yelled and tried to come at me but rafe grabbed her.

"you stay the hell away from her." he told her. "she's not your doll anymore."

"you're just a stupid teenage boy, you're worthless and you're never going to be enough for her, you know that, right?" she asked, looking into rafe's eyes.

"you can't hurt my feelings," he smiled. "my father is ward cameron, nothing phases me, not anymore."

he pushed her slightly, causing her to step back. he turned and grabbed me, ushering me up the stairs without another word. he pushed the door shut behind us as i looked at him.

"rafe, please, don't listen to anything she said. you're not worthless and you're more than enough for me. you're not just some-"

"shut up," he whispered and kissed me as i sunk into it. i let my arms move around his neck as i smiled against his lips.

he pulled back and looked at me.

"like i said, my dad is ward cameron, i've heard all the insults in the book." he shrugged.

i smiled and grabbed his face.

"you shouldn't listen to your dad either," i told him. "you're perfect."

summer of love • rafe cameron 2Where stories live. Discover now