Chapter 14

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Jungwon woke up in the middle of the night to get some water. He saw Jay struggling to sleep on the sofa. He was hesitating to tell Jay to sleep beside him so he won't suffer knowing he could get back pains there.

Jungwon walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. Jay looked at him confused. "You need something? Why are you awake?" Jay asked.

"You can sleep on the bed beside me" Jungwon said looking away trying not to blush. Jay just nodded since he feels sleepy.

Jungwon assisted Jay to the bed and slept beside him. He was about to put a pillow between them but Jay just grabbed it and threw it away.

Jay just shakes his head at him before falling asleep. Jungwon just watched his everymove. He find it cute that Jay is so clueless when he's sleepy.


Jay woke up in shock as Jungwon was beside him. "How did I get here..." He mumbled. He then remembered he was having a hard time to sleep.

Jungwon must've asked him to sleep beside him. Jay got up and made breakfast for both of them. He was about to wake Jungwon up but the doorbell rang.

He walked up to it and opened jt to see their parents. "Oh hi Mrs. And Mr. yang also ma and pa" Jay said.

"Is Jungwon with you?" Mrs. Yang asked. "He's still sleeping ma'am" Jay said.

"Call me mom" Mrs. Yang said smiling. "Ah.. Sorry mom" Jay said nervously. The parents chuckled at his reaction.

"Ah! I only made breakfast for us two. I'm sorry I'll be making some more for y-" "oh you don't have to silly! We just came here to bring you some groceries. Also to tell you on the weekends, we'll be talking about your wedding" Mrs. Park said.

Jay just lookrd at them in shock. "The wedding is almost near so we should start planning what it would look like" Mr. Yang said. "I see, I'll tell Jungwon about it" Jay said.

"Please do, he tend to tire himself from school works a lot also being a top student and student Council president is hard. Take care of him, ok?" Mr. Park said. "Will do sir" Jay said smiling.

"Call me dad" Mr. Yang said. "oh uhm sure Dad..." Jay said flustered. "Well we'll be going now have a great day my son" Mr. Park said before they all left.

Jay walked inside their shared room and tries to wake Jungwon up. Jungeon groaned and opened his eye. "Five more minutes?" He whined.

Jay finds it cute and smiled at him. "Alright, five more minutes and I'll wake you up again but the food will be cold though?" Jay stated.

Jungwon groaned and sat up. He doesn't like eating when breakfast is cold. He goes straight into the dining room. "Well... Good morning to me" Jay stated sarcastically before following Jungwon.

Jungwon noticed the groceries on the living room. "Mom must've came here and dropped by" He mumbled before grabbing it and putting it in the shelves.

"You should eat first before doing those" Jay said. "I'm almost done anyways" Jungwon said as he finishe before sitting down and starts to eat.

"We'll start preparing the wedding this weekend" Jay said making Jungwon choke on the food causing Jay to hand him water worriedly.

"Oh my, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you" Jay said. "It's ok... Let's just finish these and I'll rest again. I still feel drained" Jungwon said not commenting anything about the wedding.

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