Chapter 2

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Dead... They're all dead... My father, my mother... Even our maids and the butler... Valeriya stood frozen in the archway that lead into the living area of her parent's estate. Bodies littered the room, her father had bled out in his leather armchair, the fire he'd lit still bellowing in front of him. The houses maids had been slaughtered mere feet from where she stood now. The entire place smelled of blood and burned flesh, causing the young woman to step back and clasp her hand over her mouth and nose to keep her from getting sick.

During the onslaught, Valeriya had hidden herself under the floor boards of the upstairds bedroom where her mother had been slain. She could hear everything that transpired, but of course, she was blinded as to who was committing the crimes. Her mother knew that they would be next after seeing the assassin make quick work of those in the lower level, she made it a point to save Valeriya by hiding her as well as she could. Ironically, Toni had stood over the floorboards in which the woman was hiding under.

"A woman's voice..." She whispered, still whipping her eyes around the room in horror.

"A woman killed them all. A woman who my mother said was a myth." The words were nearly inaudible as they were spoken. Valeriya tried desperately to recall any other detail, anything that would help her find the murderer of her family.

"Her accent... It was not Russian... She was American... Yes!" Thinking that was enough, she rushed to the phone that was hung on the kitchen wall and dialed the police.

"Hello?! Hello, yes! I need help! My family was murdered!... I don't know who did it! It was a woman! She was American!" She pleaded to the man on the phone.

"Alright ma'am. Ma'am, where are you now?"

"I'm here! I'm here at my home. The Aksakov estate. My name is Valeriya Aksakov! She killed my family, please!" She was practically screaming by now, tears staining her cheeks as they ran down in hot streams.

"...The Aksakov estate...?" The officer's tone of voice immediately changed to that of wonder. The local police department happened to be one of the many corporations that Mr. Aksakov had been stealing from, causing all the worker's paychecks to come in as almost non livable.

"Sir...? Sir, please!"

"Yes? Sorry, I'll send over reinforcement right away!" He then hung up, leaving her there in silence. The phone dropped from her hands and dangled there, tapping against the wall quietly.

"What will I do...? What if... What if they think I did it?" The thought frightened her more than she wanted to admit, several people knew she had reason, but she was never the type to go through with it. What will the headlines say? 'Heiress Finally Snaps'. No... No! I can't let that happen... Valeriya backed out of the kitchen and pushed open the french doors that lead out to the backyard. The back was as lavish as the front, decorated with flowers, shrubs, and vines of all shapes and sizes. Ivy snaked up the brick walls and stopped just before reaching the roof, and the shrubs outlined each sitting area that in turn surrounded a large in ground pool. Of course, she knew that she didn't have to consider all these things anymore. Once she left this manor, she would be gone for good, and she planned to keep it that way. After many years of living with this family and abiding to their customs and ways, she had to leave, but in this manner... This isn't how she wanted to part. All she knew of her parents was how they acted at home, always prim and proper infront of guests and the like. When they were alone, though... They were unnecessarily cruel. Yet, she digressed. Valeriya made it to the garage and pried open the heavy wooden door that lead into it's work shop.

There, she would find several sets of keys laid about on the work bench.

Valeriya grabbed a set without thinking and found the car that matched the symbol on the key, getting in and pressing the garage door opener that was set in the car. Many of the cars that were stowed away in the garage had never had much use so she was surprised when this one roared to life almost immediately.

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