Chapter 21

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Toni awoke with a start, shooting up into a sitting position. It took a moment to register where she was, but then flashes of the night before ran through her head. A light trail of red creeped onto her face, along with a smile at what had transpired between her and the sleeping woman that lay nude next to her. It was so surreal to Toni that she was lucky enough to have landed in bed with her idea of perfect.

Her fingertips trailed softly over Valeriya's pale back, feeling the supple skin against hers. It sent flourishes of familiar stimulation throughout her body, remembering how they had ended up on the hallway floor while trying to back up into this room. A shared laugh turned into heated kissing and grinding, up until Toni found the strength to pull them into the bedroom. They had collapsed into tangled limbs and heavy breaths. Their desperation to pull satisfaction from the other lead to a long night filled with hours of constant movement and heavy beads of sweat.

She wished she could relive it, every second that had passed. Every small touch and silent gasp. Just watching Valeriya sleep was beautiful in all it's simplicity. She could see what some would call blemishes of the skin, to her they were equally unique and attractive. The scar on her shoulder blade that she had confided into Toni about months ago; saying she got it when she was just a girl. Valeriya had been driving with her father when they slipped on a patch of ice and veered off the road. Or the two small moles right beneath the nape of her neck. They laid right next to eachother.

Toni's lips found themselves on the other's shoulder in a soft press. She hoped that her actions wouldn't wake Valeriya, but she just couldn't help herself. Not anymore. There was the feeling deep down of wanting to take her again, just as fervently as last night.

"Mm, God, Toni... touch me..."

She thought back to how Valeriya requested so softly, almost on the verge of begging .

"Ah! Right there..."

Toni had to stop herself, thinking about their encounter made her want to wake Valeriya up and do it all over again.

A shift in the sleeping young woman next to her let her know that perhaps it was time for both of them to get up, but Toni wanted to stay in bed just a little longer. She wanted to waste the remaining morning away under these sheets. Her green orbs stayed fixed on the other as she rolled over with a small groan.

Valeriya's eyes opened and she was met with a smirking Toni.

"I though I said no more surprises." The sleepy girl smiled.

Toni furrowed her brows in confusion, "what did I do?"

"I felt the lightest touch on my shoulder. It woke me up out of quite the dream..." She hummed in response, a slow smile spreading onto her face.

Toni chuckled and leaned her forehead on the other's arm. "I'm actually very surprised with you."

"Why is that?" Valeriya brought her hand to Toni's and interlaced their fingers.

"I just never expected you to be so... adventurous." She leaned over and placed a small kiss to the other's jawline, who smiled in return.

"On the contrary, I've never felt a pleasure like that before... Having an orgasm really is it's own feeling. And I had four." Valeriya chuckled, turning to meet Toni's eyes.

The assassin's stare was mixed with a dark lust and a deep longing. It made Valeriya's heartbeat speed up significantly, moving then for a kiss. It was slow and tender, different from the ones that they shared just hours prior. This one wasn't filled with desperate need and an itch for release, no. This kiss represented Valeriya's desire to give whatever this was with Toni a try. She would make this work. Somehow.

Toni pulled away this time, the animalistic look in her eyes much calmer now. Or, at least hidden. She looked as if she wanted to say something, but was struggling to come out with it.

"Are you alright?" Her counterpart asked quietly, cupping her jaw.

"Yeah... I'm just thinking." Toni said simply.

"May I inquire as to what's on your mind?" Valeriya turned fully onto her side and pressed herself against the other, feeling the skin of their torsos meld together.

"Mm..." Toni bit her lip, getting slightly distracted. "I guess I'm worried."

"Why worried?" The young Russian questioned, trailing her fingertips along the older woman's exposed hip.

"I'm not sure what we're going to be faced with back in the States. I almost wanna say fuck it and stay here on this boat with you. Just us..." She hummed, looking a little conflicted.

"Do you think we're in danger?"

"I have no doubt that we are." Toni began, "someone's been hunting me in Russia and I'm sure they'll follow me back home, too. I hate that I dragged you into this..."

Valeriya watched the look on Toni's face change from happiness, to worry, to defeat in such a short amount of time. It was disheartening to say the least.

"I'll protect you." She said sternly, running her slim fingers up the middle of Toni's back; earning her a shiver.

"You'll protect me?" She huffed, gaining a small smirk. "I thought I was the protector here."

Valeriya chuckled slightly and shook her head. "I'll hone my shooting skills and train to be as good as you. You've been far too strong for too long, Antonia. Let someone watch over you for once."

Toni's eyes came to meet the other's, green on green. A smile spread across her face at the adorable need in Valeriya's tone. It was rare that someone actually wanted to look out for her, save maybe Sentinal. But even now, she didn't know if she could trust him. There was no indication of who or where the text message came from, and searching for it through back sites on the internet came up with no traces. It must have been a prepaid phone and then had gotten shut off not long after the message was sent. She couldnt even match the number's area code to anything. It was all very odd and concerning.

Now, it was even more of a threat. Valeriya had just confirmed how she felt for Toni, through actions more so than words, and now that was at risk, too. The thought of losing Valeriya, especially after spending so many months together, wasn't an option, and Toni knew that she had to be more careful, too. Leaving Valeriya alone was an alternative that couldn't happen, either. The situation grated on her more than she often let on, but at this moment all she wanted was to stay in this bed with this woman. Nothing else mattered.


Hey! Sorry the update took so long. Ive been working non stop this week. Anywho, lovelies, I hope you're liking this so far. Also, I have many more story ideas as well as plans for this one.

Hint: There may be a second book.

Okay other story ideas. I have this zombie one in mind. Do y'all like zombies? If you're interested let me know. Thank you all much<3

All your feedback has been amazing and it gives me so much. I hope I'm doing well on keeping you hooked.

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