Chapter 6

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Valeriya worked relentlessly at trying to be a better shot. She asked Toni multiple times a day to take her to their make shift gun range so that she could practice shooting. Half the times she asked, her counterpart would say no; going on about being too tired or that she needed to stop asking at midnight. What was odd to Toni was that Valeriya made it known that she wasn't allowed to watch her practices, always toiling away at the range while Toni was forced to drive elsewhere for the time being. Weeks passed by with this same routine.

"Toni, I want you to come with me this time." Valeriya said one afternoon, a new found confidence in her tone of voice.

 "Oh yeah? Do I finally get to see what this big surprise is?" She asked in return, leaning the back of her head against the head rest in the driver's seat.

"Yes you do. Now start the car, let's go!" Val pressed on, shoving at Toni's arm until she started the car and began to drive.

As usual, the drive was fairly quiet. The country side passed by in slow rows of trees and snow, the sky overhead gray with the winter clouds lingering about it.

"Despite it being so cold, it's really nice out here." Valeriya noted, taking in every pine tree and bush that they passed.

"Mhm... I can't really look right now, but yes. It's quite pretty." Over the last several weeks, the two women had begun to open up to each other. Finding a comfort in small verbal exchanges when the time felt right. They had found out much about eachother since being in the same vicinity for so long now. Valeriya relished in the fact that Toni secretly enjoyed old 1930's movies, often teasing her and asking if she was actually an 80 year old woman in the body of a young adult. Every time she would tease, she would get ignored. On the other hand, Toni was utterly amused to find out that Valeriya's favorite music genre was death metal, and since their revelations; they began teasing eachother back and forth almost constantly.

"Hey, Val?" Toni said about twenty minutes into the drive, wanting to know something that had been plaguing her mind lately.

"Yes? What is it, Antonia?" She replied, turning her head to look at the curly haired woman.

"Why is it that you haven't tried to run from me? After all that I've done, you stay. After all I've taken... I even expected you to take my own gun against me, yet you didn't. You sit here, eager for me talk to you and teach you things. I don't understand where this happiness is stemming from, Valeriya." Her tone was firm as she stared down the road before them. It would seem that the inquiry took the young Russian off guard, too. She turned to face their driving length, pondering the words that Toni had spoken to her.

"I... I don't know. This is all very new to me, and I'm sure that it would to most people who would be put in my situation. Given that, my family were terrible people. I knew that for many years... I'd always wanted to break free." She went silent then, sighing before having the urge to speak again.

 "It's not happiness, it's the drive and excitement to learn something out of the ordinary. Something... Different. That's all it is, and I happen to get to know you in the process. You intrigue me because you aren't a killer in the traditional sense. You don't like to kill, in fact you hate it. You've told me so many times, but you do it because you're good at it. I think that can relate to any kind of job though. You don't have to like something to be good at it, sometimes it's just natural I think." Valeriya would conclude her explanation to Toni, who seemed to find some sort of peace in her answer.

 "Alright... If that's what you think about it." She breathed and then went quiet as they pulled into the range.

Valeriya got out first, having holstered Toni's gun on her person.

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