Chapter 16

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"Where are we going to go? I've known no other place than here. I've never left Russia." Valeriya noted as they pulled up to the abandoned estate, her finger pointing up towards Toni.

"We're going back to my home country for a little while. I have a place there. We're going to be fine." Toni huffed back in response, trying to be reassuring through her slight annoyance. She could hear a grunt and a shift in Valeriya's seat, letting her know that the other accepted what she said simply and went quiet.

"It feels very odd to come back here after so long." The young Russian woman said after a long pause.

"Is that so? Well, don't worry. It's empty, or it should be. We'll be in and out." Toni replied quickly, putting the car in park and shutting it down.

After opening her door and letting her out, Toni lead a shaking Valeriya up to the thick front doors that used to house her. They creaked open slowly, granting them both entrance; which Toni found to be a little out of place. Shouldn't an abandoned house be locked? She thought in a flash and then quickly pushed it from her mind, hoping to avoid the worst that could happen right now.

There were dark stains against the wooden floors and walls, indicating Toni's work from months before. She looked it all over, noticing now that she made quite the mess back then. Perhaps that could have been marked as a mistake on her part. Assassinations weren't supposed to be messy, they were supposed to be quick and painless. That is, depending on how one worked. Toni's type was messy and up front. Never taking a sniper rifle from a tower and aiming through a window, no. She always preferred to get up close and personal. The feeling of someone falling to her hands was a rush like no other, or, it used to be. When she first became a mercanary for the specific organization she worked for currently. The one she so desperately wanted out of now. The one she was willing to throw another innocent girl into, to be faced with God knows what. Now, after so long with this same girl, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Toni lied to Valeriya, they didn't necessarily have to leave the country to be considered safe, but she wanted to get the woman as far as away from all of this as possible. All the things she admitted in her drunken stupor were things she was denying to herself now. She wasn't in love with Valeriya. She didn't have feelings for her. Valeriya is her friend. Nothing more and nothing less. Atleast, that's what she's telling herself. That she is moving her friend out of the country to keep her safe, because she cares about her well being.

"Antonia?" Valeriya interrupted her thoughts, pulling her attention up towards her eyes.

"Sorry, what?" She answered, clearing her throat.

Valeriya responded with an incredulous sigh and then a slight smile, "you're stalling, it seems. Come on, we should go inside."

Toni furrowed her brows and gave a slight nod, following the other through the front double doors and into the main hall. It was just as they both remembered, for far different reasons.

To Valeriya, this was a former home. Filled with vivid memories, both good and bad. Her first steps were taken on the mahogany floors, along with her first fall. Her first dance with her father was in his study at the back of the house, coincidentally, that was also where Valeriya caught him with a former maid. Her mother never found out. Her first serious relationship was sustained in this mansion, as was her first intimate moment. It ended abruptly here, too. As much as she tried to remember the good that once was this place, it would turn to sour feelings. It was mainly aimed towards her mother. Where her father ignored her in her young adult years, Valeriya's mother grew envious and abusive. Often taking abusive measure when the two were alone. A crack of a belt melded with the image of a dim basement stung her mind quite often, something she'd never opened up to Toni about.

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