Chapter 14

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Valeriya walked in, immediately furrowing her brows at the sight of the man she'd heard so much about, but never got the pleasure of meeting. She was quiet, still, walking through the living room and into her room. The room that Toni had taken the liberty of finally fixing up for her, along with a moderately sized bed and set of dressers. She shut the door behind her and placed her gun on the top of her night stand, going to sit at the edge of her bed with a sigh. Valeriya let her lithe fingers trace down the edges of her mattress, getting lost in thought. She had listened to the two talk from outside of the front door for several minutes, coming to the conclusion that she must have arrived shortly after he did. Toni didn't like visitors.

"Perhaps he'll leave soon." She sighed to herself, having blown off enough of that tension at the gun range to want to actually speak to Toni. The longer she'd sit, though, the lesser chance of that talk happening. Val listened intentely to their conversation on the couch until she heard the familiar squeaking of it, indicating that someone larger than Toni was moving off of it. A small exchange was passed between Sentinal and Toni before the familiar opening and shutting of the door that she just came in. Then she waited.

"Why am I nervous?" She whimpered, staring down at her hands. Maybe it was the fact that she knew Toni had feelings for her now. That was something she had been scared of from the very beginning. I'm not gay. I don't like women. She thought to herself, trying to piece together everything, and what she'd say when they finally got the chance to sit and talk. She wanted things to stay just how they were, except maybe with a little more communication. And affection.

Valeriya, stop it. She mentally scolded herself suddenly, having enough of her own mind for one day.

After the short mental battle, the young Russian woman convinced herself to stand up and enter the living room, facing Toni with an unreadable expression.

"You alright?" Toni asked, furrowing her brows. That seemed to bring Valeriya to attention.

"Yeah.... Yes, I mean. I wanted to talk, Antonia."

Toni's demeanor noticably softened at the mention of her full name, the hard look in her eyes fading somewhat.

"Of course. What's on your mind?"

Valeriya let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and walked over to the couch, sitting next to the slightly older woman, taking Sentinal's former seat. She had so many things she wanted to ask and say, but where to start? Do you really love me? Could your mind be playing tricks on you? It would never work. Could you provide for me if we did try? Did I even want to try? Could you even touch me? Valeriya's mind swam almost violently as she stared at Toni, locking their matching green eyes on eachother.

"What really happened that night between you and Sentinal?" She blurted, deciding to take the safest route. Little did she know, the answer to that question was more than just a drunken embrace, partially proved by the way Toni's eyes went wide and her cheeks reddened.

"O-oh, you heard that, did you?" She reached up and rubbed the back of her neck shyly.

"Indeed. That's all I heard, though. I promise." Valeriya held her hand up, gesturing in a scouts honor. If she revealed what else she'd heard, she was afraid Toni wouldn't tell her at all.

"I'll tell you on one condition." Toni said sternly.

"Fine. What are your terms?" Her voice was almost too stern for Toni to be comfortable with.

"First, don't look too much into this. That's more of warning, because if you do, I'll get angry. Second, you have to answer something that's been on my mind. This is going to be a long story."

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