Chapter 13

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Several days stretched on slowly after Toni's inebriated  confession. Valeriya was out of the house more times than not, spending many hours out of the weeks at the gun range. She knew that this silence that passed between herself and Toni would need to be mended soon. After all, it seemed that they couldn't go long without communicating in some form anymore. Whether it be a fight, or a simple conversation.

Toni often times tried to reach out to Valeriya, attempting to get her to talk, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. Valeriya figured that she didn't even remember what she said the night she came home from the bar. The thick tension in the room overtook them everytime they were in the same vicinity, so much so, that they couldn't bare to look at eachother for more than a few seconds at a time.

Today was just like the others, silent and tense. Valeriya left the house early in the morning with her small caliber glock, needing to blow off some steam. Toni was left alone on the couch, staring blankly at the television as it played an old movie that she'd seen about a hundred times. It droned on as she cycled through her phone, stopping on Valeriya's name more than once. She even went so far as to open the messaging application, trying to get herself to say something. It was often easier to say things through writing  than it was through speaking, she thought. Maybe she could bring herself to send her a message, but not right now. For now, she'd settle on Sentinal. Toni scrolled down until she found his name and promptly pressed the 'call' button.

"Come on... Pick up." She whined, hearing the dial tone ring up to four times.

"Sentinal!" Toni nearly yelled when he picked up.

"Hey girly, what's going on?" His deep voice rumbled into her hear, a sound she needed now more than ever.

"I need you to come over. I mean, if you aren't busy." She sighed.

"Sure thing. But, uh, everything okay?" His voice dropped a little, showing her that he was beginning to get concerned. It wasn't everyday that she called him over.

"Yeah, just... Just hurry up." Then she hung up, setting her phone down to wait.

The time between the phone call and Sentinal's arrival at Toni's apartment was barely that of twenty minutes. She was impressed at his punctuality, then again, they learned that skill well. Given that their shared boss would often times torture or humiliate employees that were late or acted out of line. Toni and Sentinal were often times left unscathed by his wrath, mainly due to the fact that the woman could kill him with a single drop of blood slipped into his morning coffee, and Sentinal being her best friend, was safe out of fear of her backlash. The one time that their boss had laid hands on Toni garnered a violent outburst from Sentinal. He ripped the older man out of his chair and slammed him against a wall, delivering a handful of punches until he was bruised and bloodied.

Toni remembered what happened as if it were yesterday.

"What the fuck are you doing to her?!" Sentinal's voice boomed through the small office that housed his bosses nook. The scene in front of him was hard to take in, almost not wanting to believe what was happening. His employers hands were cupped violently around a crying Toni. She was shaking in his hold.
"Sentinal, I think it's best you leave. This is... A personal matter." The older man smirked to his scarred counterpart.
"No! This isn't some sick game, you piece of shit! LET HER GO!" His voiced boomed yet again, rushing forward to tear her from his twisted grasp.

The rest of the memory faded as Sentinal came around to face Toni on her couch. The look in his dark eyes confused her a little, wondering why he looked so damn concerned all of a sudden.

"What?" She chided.

"You called me over here, and now you won't say anything. What's going on with you?" His brows furrowed, now showing signs of frustration rather than the former concern.

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