Chapter 24

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Their trip across the upper East side of the U.S. was fairly quiet, coupled with silent glances that lasted too long and several hidden blushes. Valeriya hung close to Toni, feeling the need to brush her finger tips along her upper thighs on the long bus rides. Between the constant distractions and feeling of need, Toni found herself having to keep track of their stops, but of course, Valeriya brought her mind to darker places. Places that lead them alone and away from prying eyes. Even so, they couldn't do much on public transport save stolen kisses and holding hands, and somehow, that sated them for the time being.

After many hours of crowded buses and expensive cab rides, their current bus of choice rolled up into Michigan from Toledo, Ohio.

"Home, sweet, home..." Toni mumbled, giving Valeriya's hand a nervous squeeze.

"What's the matter? Aren't you happy to be back?" The other inquired in a soft tone, looking over at Toni, who seemed to be a little uneasy.

"Yeah, I am." She began, turning her head to gaze at the other. "It's just been a long time."

Valeriya smiled and placed her other hand over their joined two as a sign of comfort. The buildings passed by with many new things that Valeriya had never seen before. A lot of the structures had Arabic writing on them, and farther out, most were littered with graffiti. Most of it was quite beautiful, it gave the area character. Some, though, weren't as nice. Like the small 'fuck' that was spray painted in black on divider near the free way.

Toni leaned over and pointed out towards the road after almost thirty minutes, "this is Dearborn. It's close to where we'll be staying."

"And where is that?" Valeriya chimed.

"We're staying at Reed's house in Southwest Detroit. Her house is actually right on the border of Dearborn and Detroit, so we should be there fairly soon." Toni smiled.

The bus ride after that was fairly short, being dropped off at a bus stop that was set between a gas station and a grocery store. "We're walking from here. It isn't too far now, just a few blocks."

It was fairly warm out, compared to the frigid climate of Russia. Toni hated being hot regardless, but Valeriya wasn't used to the near 80 degree temperatures at all.

"How did you ever get used to this?!" Valeriya huffed after about ten minutes of walking down a sidewalk of a residential street. The houses were all fairly small, two stories with compact yards. There were people out sitting on their porches, and young kids running around the block.

"I grew up in Michigan and its either super hot or cold as fuck, it never changes." Toni chuckled out as she lead the other up a small walkway that ended in a fenced in yard. The house was a little run down with red brick and an attached garage. There looked to be a second story ontop, perhaps an attic room. Valeriya couldn't fathom what else it could be.

She hadn't seen much of this type of housing where she was from, with the lavish mansion-esque houses and pent house apartments that family friends lived in. The front of the house had a wooden deck built on as the porch, and a metal screen door that seemed to be the only thing keeping the world out from the abode. Toni noticed that Reed kept her front door open today. Perhaps she was excited about her new guests? Or, she was pissed at Toni. Both were very possible situations.

"Reed! Hey!" Toni called, trying to open the screen door, but as expected, it was locked. She'd be damned if she was going to break it, Reed would throw a fit.

"Do you think she's asleep?" Valeriya asked, taking a seat on one of the lawn chairs.

"Not a chance. She rarely ever sleeps. Mostly just gets high, or drunk, and gets to work." Toni mumbled, leaning into the door and peering in.

"And you... Trust her how much, Antonia?" Valeriya was a little taken aback when Toni spoke of her habits and ways of working.

"With my life, but that'll be explained when she actually shows up."

While Toni was occupied with trying to find Reed inside, a short haired, dark skinned woman tip toed up to the deck; catching Valeriya's attention. The woman gestured for her to be quiet, continuing to tip toe onto the deck and sneaking up behind Toni. Valeriya hid her smile and glanced at Toni, figuring this woman was Reed. She had a baggy shirt on and worn jeans, but her shoes looked brand new.

A pair of blue and black Nike kicks that reflected in the sun. They were impressive. It seemed that Reed was the type of person to care about certain things, and people. She had an air about herself that was carefree. It was nice, similar to Toni's.

Valeriya's smile grew as her thoughts came to a close, watching the stranger sneak up on Toni and whip her arms out to grab at her sides.

"Hey, cousin!" Reed yelled close to Toni's ear, causing her to jump and twist around with a hard smack.

"Don't sneak up on me like that, you fuck!" Toni gripped onto Reed's shoulder and attempted to catch her breath. Reed only laughed, rubbing the slight sting in her cheek.

"Nice to see you again, too. So, this Valeriya?" Reed turned and pointed to the black haired woman, who gave a shy nod.

"Yes, nice to meet you, too. But, uh, cousin? Antonia told me that you met in college."

The short haired woman threw her head back and let out a hardy laugh, earning a sigh from Toni. "Oh God, she lets you use her real name? How cute. She used to beat the hell out of me when I pulled that shit."

"Well we did meet in college, but yes we're cousins." Toni chimed in.

"That's true, we didn't know eachother until college. Just heard word of mouth here and there." Reed shrugged, going over to pull on the door, forgetting that it was locked.

"How did you leave the house if you locked that door from the inside?" Valeriya pointed out, taking in the revelation of the two being cousins with no particular shock. They looked enough alike. They had the same sharp jawline and green eyes, even their skin was similar in darkness.

"Like this." Reed chirped, reaching through a broken section of screen and unlocking the door easily. Toni breathed out an annoyed sigh, feeling the heat bubble under her skin.

"Hurry up." She bit, "it's boiling out here!"

"Alright, alright!" She yanked open the door and motioned for them to go in before her. "I wanna get to work anyway, I plan to have a lead for you by tonight."

"You could do that?" Valeriya asked as she looked around the odd home, it was nearly as messy as Toni's was when they first met, causing a silent chuckle to erupt. They were too alike.

"Oh yeah, this girl's talented." Toni pointed out as they made their way to the basement, where there were insulated walls and several laptops set up.

"Saying that it would take me until tonight is even a stretch, I may have something in a couple hours, but we'll see. Let's get to work."


Hey! So heres this. I hope you all still like it! And to those that are wondering, dont worry! My mother is fine. She just gave us a scare. Thank you for the concern though!! Love you guys

Whispers and Silent Motion (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now