Chapter 17

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As soon as Valeriya got her passport, Toni rushed her out of the estate. There was something she needed to do and it needed to be done now.

"What the hell, Antonia?! Could you at least give me a moment..." The girl huffed as she was dragged down towards the back door of the mansion.

"No, we can't stop. We have to go now, or we'll miss it." Toni rose her voice, pulling Val harder.

"Ugh, dammit! What will we miss?!" She had to nearly run to keep up with the other, losing her at the side of the house.

What is she so determined about?! Valeriya thought, terribly annoyed.

Toni lead her all the way to the front doors and back to their car, unlocking it with the auto lock on her keyring and jogging to the driver's side.

"I swear to God if you don't hurry up!" She yelled back at Valeriya, who was just reaching the car and catching her breath.

The two entered the small car, and as soon as the doors closed, Toni was off. She sped down the highway at nearly 90 miles per hour, causing Val to sink back in her seat and grip onto the suicide bar for dear life. A sick grin was plastered on the assassin's face, keeping her eyes focused ahead on a small black blip in the distance that she was hell bent on catching up to.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Valeriya screeched, sending a glare off to the other.

"Hold on... We aren't close enough yet." Toni gritted and then reached over to Valeriya's side and popped open the glove compartment, pulling out a heavy caliber pistol.

"You keep a gun in your car?! Are you insane?!" The screech turned into a scream as she gestured towards the metallic object in her hand.

Toni held the gun firmly in one hand, while steering with the other. Her foot pounded down on the gas until that black blip formed into the shape of a car that was getting closer, and fast. Her gloved hand itched to pull that trigger, but she wasn't close enough yet. With another press forward, they sped up to the car at 120 miles per hour, causing a look of shock from three familiar male faces. Valeriya's eyes widened when she noticed that Toni had just tailed Petrov's car.

The look on his face went from shock to pure anger, the girls could tell he was spitting curses at Valeriya. Luckily for her, she didn't hear them. Toni hid the pistol beneath viewpoint as she pulled up, cocking it and rolling down the passenger's side window. His men fumbled around in the car as panic shot through it, making fevered attempts to go faster and get out of Toni's sadistic grasp.

"Oh no you don't..." She muttered, whipping her arm up and hugging the trigger until three distinct shots left the car.

Gunshots went off around the five of them, starting from Toni's side and ending from theirs. She had taken the chance to blow out both of the tires on the left side of their car, speeding up as they slowed and pulling around them. She could hear the shots from their sub-machine guns hit the back of her car, more than likely lodging into her trunk. This car wasn't bulletproof for nothing.

Toni watched the black car spin to a stop in the middle of the highway, quickly getting smaller as she drove off as fast as she could. A wide smirk played across her lips. The car was quiet, but it felt energized and Toni was ready to kick someone's ass. Valeriya, on the other hand, was speechless. She just witnessed her room mate and mentor shoot at her ex and his goons. But, for what?

"Why did you do that?" She spoke softly after reeling over what happened for nearly twenty minutes.

"Because I want your money, too." Toni joked, turning to give the other a grin, which was returned with a painfully annoyed eye roll.

"Really, why did you do it?" Valeriya pushed, huffing at the other's need to make jokes.

Toni looked at Valeriya, and then glanced down at the gun in her lap. She clicked the safety on it and carefully placed it back in the glove compartment, thinking over her answer meticulously.

"Truthfully?" She started, rubbing her palms on the steering wheel. "I think what he said about you was awful. You're too good, and too sweet, to be treated like that by anyone. You didn't deserve what he did or said. So, I took revenge for you, because I know you wouldn't do it."

Valeriya watched Toni quietly, nibbling on her lower lip in thought.

She really cares for me. A small blush creeped over her cheeks as she continued to stare, scanning the assassin who just embarrassed her ex-boyfriend in front of his own lackeys. A weird feeling of attraction overcame her, to what extent, she didn't know. In that moment, Valeriya felt like she wanted Toni to hold her again. Just like they were less than an hour ago, yet she couldn't bring herself to ask something so outlandish. The thought itself of being affectionate was foreboding and made her heart feel odd.

"Are you okay?" Toni asked, effectively pulling the young woman back to reality.

"Yes... Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, Antonia. I really appreciate everything you do for me... You have no idea how much." She said thoughtfully, holding back what sounded like a sob.

"Don't worry about it. It's really the least I can do. Besides, I trust you now, so you're special. And people who are special to me are protected by me, no matter what the extent is. I don't want some pompous dick like that making you feel bad."  Toni said with a confident nod, smiling to the other. In turn, Valeriya smiled back, trying to restrain herself from the thoughts that were racing through her mind involving her counterpart. She fought her hands from reaching out and forcing Toni to pull over, wanting nothing more than to take her into her arms and not let go for hours.

What's making me think this way? She felt her face heat up again, only more prominently.
Their silence afterwards was comfortable. Well, comfortable for Toni. Valeriya felt a mounting tension that she couldn't get to leave. She found herself gripping at the sides of her seat to try and alleviate some of it. The overwhelming urge to repay Toni somehow was making her mind race to places that she would never find herself admitting to outloud. What did this mean?


Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter! I hope you're enjoying it so far.

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