Chapter 5

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Days had passed in silence between the two, and with no current work for Toni, it was a growing state of tension. She had avoided Valeriya's question for four days, and the other indeed had asked her about it since, but Toni wouldn't answer. At one point she even got angry with her, causing Valeriya not to ask from that point on. And since that day, they hadn't talked. The silence became overbearing, the first companion she's had since Sentinal and she can't even communicate with her.

"Toni..." Valeriya suddenly interrupted the woman's thoughts.

"What? What is it? If you're going to ask about my hands again I told you to stop. I'll tell you on myown time." She warned.

"No, no it isn't that, I promise! I wanted to apologize." She said, coming to sit at the other's side.

"For what? You didn't really do anything but annoy me." Toni replied flatly.

 "Annoy you? Sorry for that too then, but I wanted to apologize for prying about that thing with your hands so much. I didn't mean to upset you." Something about her tone wasn't as sincere as Toni would have liked, but she couldn't place what it was.

"Is this some kind of joke?" She accused suddenly, causing Valeriya to snap her gaze up.

"What? N-no! I swear it isn't like that."

"Yeah? Then what is it like? I can tell you don't mean it, and if you do, you're clearly not good at this apology thing, Val." She said, implementing the nickname she had given Valeriya as of late.

"I'm not very... Good at this. My family is--... My family was never very apologetic for what they'd done and I suppose I picked that up from them, but I want to be different. I'm no longer in that environment and I can change... I have to change and I know that because this is my home now. Whether either of us like it or not." Valeriya tried to explain it to the best of her abilities, causing her voice to shake some, and Toni would quietly listen to her.

"Okay, alright. I get it." Toni replied and came to sit on the couch, wringing her hands together.

"And I... accept your apology." She concluded, bringing her eyes to look at her sternly.

"Now... If we're done with this, I can start teaching you what I promised you I would." Toni got up then, making her way to the closet near her front door. She would take a few seconds to shuffle around inside until she pulled out a small pistol.

"I'm taking you to the gun range and you're going to learn how to shoot properly." She said towards Valeriya who stared dumb founded.

"I'm going to shoot a gun?"

"No," Toni said as she pulled on a coat and pulled her hair out from beneath it, "you're going to learn to shoot. I can imagine if I gave you a gun right now and told you to aim, you would put someone's eye out." She teased, holstering the pistol at her hip.

"Atleast I wouldn't do it in cold blood." Valeriya countered, pulling on a coat of her own. One that Toni had provided.

"That was uncalled for, let's go." Toni said pointedly, holding the front door open for the other and leading her down to her car. She kept a close eye on her, even when they got into the car and took off. The drive started off fairly quiet between the two, Valeriya looking over at Toni as the older woman drove every once in awhile.

"I can tell you're looking at me. What is it?" She finally asked, eyes still on the road.

 "My apologies. I was curious to know what you wanted to be before this. This, this killing thing you do."

Toni couldn't help but chuckle at that, "killing thing I do... Yeah. Not many people would ask a question like that. What makes you want to get to know me now? Two weeks ago you wanted nothing to do with me."

Valeriya smiled, "as we talked about last week; it's best to know who you're living with. All I know about you is your name and the things you do for work. Now, answer my question." She pushed. Toni glanced at the pale woman at her side, gripping onto the steering wheel.

 "My dream was to be the CEO of a successful company." She sighed and then chuckled.

"I know it isn't that extravegant but... It's what I wanted. Hard ass work for a great pay off. Overlooking entire businesses and creating lives and opportunities for others. That's what I really wanted." Toni's counterpart quirked a brow, almost not believing her.

"Really? How did you end up taking lives if your dream was to create them?" After that the car went silent and this was one of the few times that Valeriya felt remorse, thinking she overstepped a boundary.

 "It has to do with my hands." Toni finally spoke up, "my blood is acidic. That's how I do what I do so well."

“Acid blood... That’s weird, Antonia.” Valeriya took to calling Toni by her full name, upon wondering why, she told her that she liked it a lot better than the shorter version. She found it elegant, but she digressed, trying not to think too much on the relation to her captor.

"How did it happen? Or were you born with it?"

Toni shook her head, "no, I wasn't. It was a mass experiment. People were taken from the street in the night, knocked out, and we woke up in this large facility. All we could see was white and grey, it went from wall to wall. Every experiment was different, a lot of people died... I managed to survive my procedures, but I don't know who did it. This happened four years ago, I was in college at the time." She concluded, both hands held firmly onto the steering wheel.

"What kinds of procedures?"

"Painful. I suppose they knew how problematic my blood would be because they gave me a hysterectomy too." Toni sighed, biting down on her lip.

"What is that?" Valeriya asked on cue.

 "You don't know what a hysterectomy is? Ugh, okay. It's where they remove your uterus. I can't have periods anymore, or kids. Now, enough. We're here." Toni put the car in park as they reached a fairly deserted feild. The only structure there was a wooden fence in the distance with bottles and trash can lids set on and around it.

"This is where we're going to practice? It's..." She made a disgruntled face and got out of the car.

"Yes, I know it's not up to your royal standards, but it's better that way. It has character! Come on, girl."

Toni lead the other to the center of the feild, twenty or thirty feet away from the targets that were at the fence.

"Stand here." She said, placing her hands on Valeriya's shoulders and moving her a few steps to the right.

 "Now take this." And then she handed her the gun. The weight of it initially caught Valeriya off guard.

It was metallic and cold. Never in her life had she held a gun in her hands, it was frightening to think that she could really use it. Frightening, yet it excited her in the oddest of ways.

Luckily the day was cold, below freezing, so that Toni wouldn't be bothered with her body heat. It felt like a breezy summer's day in her book.

 "Now..." She came around behind Valeriya and brought her arms up and around her to hold her arms in the right position while pointing the gun.

 "Bring your shoulder down a little to avoid recoil." The closeness of Toni's being brought an odd feeling over the younger woman. It was uncomfortable, sure, but the heat Toni's body brought to her made her instinctively back into her, to which Toni backed up a step, feeling the pressure of the other's back to her chest.

"Sorry... I took a miss step." Valeriya said once Toni finally got her arms in the right position.

"Hm, okay. Whatever. Anyway, when you're about to shoot, hug the trigger. Give it a gentle squeeze, don't just pull. You need to be able to calculate your shot."

Several tries and a bad recoil later, Valeriya found herself panting.

 "Why is this so hard?! I thought it was just point and shoot!" She said, scowling once she saw that Toni was behind her a few feet away laughing at her misfortune.

"God damn, you're really bad at this." She would reply simply, earning her a harder scowl.

"Alright! I'm sorry. You just need practice."

Whispers and Silent Motion (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now