Chapter 25

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The three women sat in the basement with rap music blasting around them from Reed's computer as she worked. She had a determined look in her light green orbs, concentrated on her screen.

"Do you know of a Barinova?" Reed spoke up after some time, clicking around and scrolling through pages of names and addresses vigorously, all of which were attached in some way to the number and text message that Toni had received nearly two weeks ago.

"Yeah, she was a target of mine, but when I got to the place... She ambushed me with guns and a small group of guards. I got shot out of a two story window." Toni sighed, leaning back in the recliner she was sinking into.

Reed looked over at Toni from behind her computer screen with a disapproving glare. "And you didn't think to call your literal only family and tell her what happened?"

Toni responded by rolling her eyes and laying across both of the arm rests, resting her backside in the seat. "I didn't think about it, damn!"

"Anyway," Reed gritted, stopping her scrolling abruptly on one specific name. "Does the name Vincent Rapino mean anything to you?"

She furrowed her eyebrows at the name, feeling a familiarity with it, but not feeling the click to anyone she may know. Toni turned her head to look at Valeriya, "do you know a guy named Vincent?"

"No." She shook her head, not recognizing the name. "Is there a picture available?"

Reed squinted at the screen and then flung her arm out to her side, searching around her immediate area for a pack of cigarettes.

"Nope." She popped the p, finding an available loose cigarette and placing it between her lips, quickly lighting the thing up.

"I might need a whole pack of those after this shit is over." Toni sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger.

"We all might." Valeriya chimed in.

"Listen, Toni, I can get you a picture of this guy, but it's going to take some digging. Whoever he is, he's being evasive for a reason, and probably a damned good one. It looks to me that he's hiding in relation to working with the Barinova family."

"What does he do for them?" Valeriya asked, sitting straight in the chair she chose. Reed found it humorous that she automatically took to sitting like a proper woman, when looking at both herself and Toni revealed that they didn't care for it as much as Valeriya did. What, with Toni sprawled out and Reed sitting with her legs spread open on the floor.

Valeriya couldn't help but feel just a little out of place in the midst of Reed. Even after spending so long with Toni at the apartment in Russia, it was still hard to loosen up around others. Perhaps it was just the lingering feeling of the morals and values that were embedded, and beaten, into her growing up. The thought made her shiver, but she was now determined to finally relax. Valeriya knew that Toni would never hurt her, and Reed seemed very much like Toni, so she began to trust her with ease as well.

"Wait!" Reed shot up, "he has a code name."

"Well, bitch, what is it?!" Toni pushed, sitting up as well. It was clear that the longer Reed was taking, the more stressed out that Toni was to become. Valeriya hid a smile as she glanced at Toni, and then back to Reed.

"It says that he goes by an alias named Sentinal for his other line of work. If that's the case, he must be a pretty big guy." Reed chuckled, completely unaware of how pale Toni had become just then.

"Antonia? Are you alright...?" Valeriya reached out, placing her hand on the woman's forearm.

"What? Shit, Toni, do you know this guy?" Reed brought her attention away from her laptop and directly to her cousin this time.

Toni could barely hear either of them past the thoughts running through her head. Was it really Sentinal? Her Sentinal? It couldn't be... He wasn't the type of person to betray her like that, was he? He isn't easy to persuade, he's tough. Not to mention that he helped Toni on so many separate occasions. Why would he turn on her?

Her head fell into the palms of her hands, herself trying to contain the information she was just told. Yet, she was having a hard time believing it.

"He wouldn't fucking do that." She gritted.

"You friends or something?" Reed quirked a brow, taking in a long drag from hee cigarette.

"Yeah, in Russia we worked together. We helped each other. Next to Valeriya and you, he's the closest friend I have. H-he just wouldn't." She fought back tears that were threatening to breach.

"Maybe it isn't him, darling..." Valeriya tried to reassure.

"Jesus Christ, you're so affection it makes me sick!" Reed shivered, turning back to her computer. "Seriously though, yeah, what Valeriya said. We don't have a picture yet. Maybe it isn't him."

Toni looked between the both of them and sighed, nodding. "Maybe you're right."

"Toni, it'll be fine. I'll continue digging. In the meantime, you two should rest. You've done a lot this past week, and don't worry. You're attic room is still the same as you left it." Reed assured the two, more so Toni.
"That's good... yeah, come on, Val. We should rest." Toni took in a breath and then stood up, smiling a little when she felt her companion grip her hand.

"Listen, though, if I hear you two fucking I'll ruin you." Reed chimed in with feigned disgust.

Valeriya stood there slightly wide eyed, fully aware that both the women before her found amusement in her candy red cheeks. Toni only shook her head and pulled the other along and away from Reed. It was best to let her work.

"Quite the character, your cousin is..." Valeriya noted after they made it upstairs.

"Indeed, but that's family for you." She chuckled, sitting down at the edge of her bed. Valeriya soon joined her.

"Are you sure you're alright, Toni?" She inquired, gliding her fingers over the back of the other's hand.

Toni smiled lightly at the concern, staring down at the gentle brushing of their skin. "Normally I would say no, but with you here it doesn't hurt as bad. I just hope you don't up and leave, too."

"I could never." Valeriya said firmly.

"You mean that?"

"Toni, look at me." She spoke out, gripping her hand.

The older woman turned her head to face the other, searching her eyes. "Yes?"

Valeriya stared back with such adoration for Toni that it almost hurt. "Antonia, I... I love you. These several months together have shown me so much. You've shown me so much. I love you, and I'm not going anywhere."

They stared at eachother for several long minutes. Toni's heart felt like it was going to burst, those words awoke something deep inside her that she didn't know could ever return, and in one quick movement she pulled Valeriya into her and embraced her lips with the deepest kiss they'd shared to date.

"I love you, too..." Toni whispered when she pulled back, feeling the heat on her lips. She lifted her eyes to catch Valeriya's, and immediately caught a very different look shrouding her gaze.

Valeriya pushed Toni back on the bed softly and came to mount her, positioning comfortably on her pelvis.

"You okay?" Toni blushed in response, running her palms against the other's hips.

"Better than ever." Valeriya smiled lightly, biting her lower lip. "That kiss of yours just reminded me of the days worth of your touch that I've been missing out on."

Toni's hands traveled up her sides slowly, feeling the curves up until they reached the mounds of her breasts, where they cupped and claimed.

"What do you need me to do?" Toni whispered.

Valeriya tightened her legs on either side of Toni, squeezing with an unquenched lust. "I need you to fuck me."


LOOK TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY! It was a good weekend I guess. Love you guys.

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