Chapter 10

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"Yeah, it was bad. There was an ambush as soon as I got into the target's room."

"Of course I survived, you fucking idiot!"

"Ugh, yeah. No, she's been acting weird lately. I think I scared her or something because she won't really talk to me anymore. She's even managed to avoid looking at me most days, which I find weirder. It's starting to scare me, honestly." Toni had been on the phone with Sentinal for nearly an hour, catching up and talking about her latest job and Valeriya, who had been purposely avoiding the assassin for a reason she wished she knew.

"I don't know, Sen. I hope she doesn't turn on me or anything. I don't think I'd have the heart to kill her if I had to. We've become close, or I thought that we were..." She sighed.

Unbeknownst to her, Valeriya had been sitting outside the door listening, trying to somehow catch any talk of Toni's sexual orientation. Over the last week, she'd been fighting herself over the subject, wanting to know if she was or wasn't gay. Although, she knew that there was offense in just bluntly asking such questions, so she wanted to try to catch her slip.

"What?" She heard Toni start speaking again, "no, she doesn't know. I don't really think it matters anymore, you know, considering... But yeah, I have to go man, it was nice talking to you." The familiar click was heard and then the squeak of her mattress, indicating she was laying down. At this Valeriya sighed, she still had nothing. She was immediately pulled out of her thoughts upon hearing the familiar voice of her room mate.

"Val! Come in here." She called from her room. The sudden beckoning made the young woman's heart race, wondering why Toni wanted to see her so suddenly. Her mind began to wander to darker places, places that she wouldn't ever want to normally visit.

"Y-yes, alright..." She said with a slight crack in her voice, walking to the door frame and looking over at Toni.

"Come on, come sit with me." She urged, gesturing Valeriya over to her bedside.

"O-okay..." She obliged.

"So, what's been up with you lately?" Toni said as she moved to sit up by Valeriya.

"What do you mean?" She wondered, realizing Toni had noticed her change in demeanor over the last week.

"You've been avoiding me all damned week and everytime I come near you, you think I'm going to hurt you or something." She'd say to Valeriya in a smooth tone, crossing her arms over her chest and sitting back against her headboard.

"Well it's... A-are you... Antonia... I need to know something." The way Valeriya spoke brought Toni to attention, sitting upright and scooting over towards the other.

"Hey... Alright, calm down. What's going on?" She asked softly, bringing a hand up to rest on the other's shoulder, causing her to go stiff.

"D-do you like women? Or men?" She didn't how else to ask the question, she was afraid to ask directly, Are you a lesbian? It wouldn't have gone over well, she thought.

"Is this some kind of joke, or?" Toni said suddenly, quirking a brow up.

"No, I'm being completely serious!" Valeriya shot back, glaring at her counterpart now,

"I want to know. Please tell me." She would finish in a softer tone.

"If you're asking if I'm gay, then yeah. I am. Is that going to be a problem?" Toni's voice took on a more defensive tone now, staring Valeriya down.

"I-I guess it won't be a problem. I've just seen the way you look at me an-"

Toni cut her off suddenly, "wait, wait a damn second. Do you think I like you? Like... you know." A smile stretched across her face.

Whispers and Silent Motion (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now