Chapter 9

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"I'm honestly quite amazed at all of this..." Valeriya noted while she watched the bullet wounds close up. It had been four hours since Toni had gotten home from her assignment, but the bullet holes were proving to be difficult, having the inner muscles in her shoulder, back, and leg burned from the heat of the gun blasts.

"I assumed you'd be used to my oddities by know, Val." Toni retorted, looking over at the other on the couch.

"I am, but the healing thing... It's a little much. I mean, it's not weird to me anymore. This is just the first time I've seen something like this, I mean your wounds are nearly closed, and they aren't even bleeding! Which, I think is good, considering..." Valeriya would go on in almost an excited tone, eliciting a chuckle from her counterpart.

"Yeah, sorry for nearly splashing you earlier. I didn't expect you to be so close to the tub." She joked.

"Oh, it's alright."

The two settled on the couch and watched an old movie that Toni had picked out, something Valeriya didn't recognize, called 'There's No Business Like Show Business'.

"That's Marylin Monroe." Toni pointed out about halfway into the movie, "she was a really famous actress in the early to mid 1900's in America. As a person she was pretty terrible but you gotta admit, she was a sex symbol of her time if there ever was one." She smirked suddenly, glancing over at the other before smothering it with a blank look. She sensed that Valeriya seemed to be a little put off, by what, she wasn't sure. She hoped it wasn't because of her comment about the actress from the movie they were watching, even so, she wouldn't put it past her. Valeriya seemed to be in her own little bubble of comfort concerning things around her, certain exceptions applied, but most talk about romantic escapades go one of two ways. Valeriya inquires first and, usually in an excited tone, and if she doesn't inquire first she usually doesn't say much. It's as if something about Toni makes her uneasy, even though there are a lot of things about Toni that could make her feel that way, she knows it's not any of those things.

"Antonia...?" Valeriya would speak after what felt like hours.

"Yeah? What is it?" Toni replied in a distracted tone of voice.

"Have..." She sighed then, sounding conflicted.

"Have you ever thought about controlling the temperature of your body? Like lowering it...? If you could I think it would make everyday life easier for you." Valeriya avoided looking at Toni even after she spoke, feeling like she overstepped some kind of boundary. Knowing all too well how sensitive the other was about her body and the effect her blood had on her and those around her.

"I've thought about it, tried it before. Couldn't do it." Toni said a bit stiffly.

"Perhaps you did it alone..." Valeriya retorted, but she was right. When Toni tried to control it, she did it alone, so she didn't get very far.

"You would be correct." She sighed, "but I don't see how someone else could help." Suddenly becoming a little angry.

"Well it's hard to tell the heat of yourself when there's no one else there to help you be sure." Valeriya retorted with a little force to tell her counterpart that she wasn't going to give up on this subject.

"I don't know, okay? I don't think it's a good idea."

"Why not? This could really help you!" Val continued to push, causing Toni to become less and less patient with the girl.

 "No." Toni said sternly.

"Antonia, please. Really think about this, I could help you."

"No! I don't need help. Just let it go, will you? Things are fine how they are." Toni's voice began to rise.

"I can't just let it go. Why won't you just try this?!" Her own voice rising in turn.

"Because I could hurt you!" Toni finally snapped, whipping her eyes to lock onto the young woman.

"You're... Afraid of hurting me? That's all?" She asked, almost not believing it. Her eyes bore into Toni's as they sat in a tense silence for several minutes. Suddenly, Valeriya reached out and placed her hand over Toni's, eliciting a flinch.

"What are you doing?" She whispered.

"I'm going to see if we can do this..." Val tried softly, beginning to slip off Toni's glove. The heat radiated from her skin even through the leather, and it grew in strength after the glove was fully off and placed elsewhere.

 "I really don't think we should..." Toni said again, wanting to pull her hand away.

"No, it will be alright. Just trust me." She spoke firmly.

"Trust you..." She said as if she was asking herself a question, still letting Valeriya touch her. It was a first. She hadn't been touched by another person so thoroughly in over four years. The feeling was odd after so long, concentrating her gaze on their hands as the other felt around her palm, wrists, and fingers. The way she delicately stroked caused a flush to build up her neck and around her cheeks.

 "Odd, it seems you've only grown warmer." Val noted the same moment Toni began to blush.

"Well I... You see.. Ugh." She brought her free hand up to cover her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose between her index finger and thumb.

"What is it?" The other asked, her voice in sort of a dreamy tone. She was captivated by the change in warmth of her friend, it was all so sudden. Toni was always warm, but it wouldn't stay constant, that's what let Valeriya know that it could be controlled; with the proper amount of work.

"I think we should stop." Toni said after a few moments of watching Valeriya tend to her hand.

"Why do you think that?" She'd ask, bringing back her hands to her own lap to comply with the other's request.

 "It's making me feel weird. I... Can't explain it. I just don't want to be touched anymore." Toni sighed out, scooting away from Val.

 "Hm... I see. My apologies." She would say and take note of the other's sudden deterence to being touched. Lately, Valeriya had been noticing certain things about Toni in the manner of the way she talked about and looked at women. Even herself. She hoped she was wrong, oh  how she hoped she was completely, and utterly wrong. She wanted to ask Toni, but was afraid of how she'd react. Knowing full well that her temper sometimes got out of hand. The thought of Toni being gay... A lesbian, was frightening to her. She'd never known a gay person before, she assumed they were all vastly colorful and happy people. But Toni wasn't. She was quiet, reserved, and sometimes very angry. Even if she was gay, it was illegal in this country, then again, everything about Toni was illegal. Her work, her citizenship, her car, this apartment... Maybe she was, she finally reasoned. But how would she ask?

"I'm going to take a shower." Valeriya said and then stood, cutting the silence that grew between them.

"Okay, I'll go to bed then." Toni got up just after the other, making way for her bedroom, causing Valeriya to jump some what for a reason she couldn't really place.

"Uh, you okay?" She furrowed her brows, staring at the young Russian.

"Yeah, sorry." She wouldn't waste anymore time saying useless things, taking her leave then.

Whispers and Silent Motion (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now