Chapter 23

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The pair glided on the ocean's surface for a little over a week, often forgetting where they were headed to in the first place, having fallen into bed together all too often on their trip. Neither of them could get enough, and that just made the constant love making better. Valeriya found herself being addicted, it wasn't like her to need, or even want it this bad. She often watched Toni go about the yacht and steer it on the right path.

The closer they got to the United States, the more nervous she ultimately became. She didn't know what to expect when they got there. Valeriya had heard so many stories and read news articles on the things that happened there, but there was always that saying that went, "You don't know what it's like until you live it." She held that saying very close, trying to mentally prepare herself for the new things she'd see and experience.

Docking the yacht wasn't going to be easy. It wasn't exactly unnoticeable to the naked eye. Small, sure, but she when it came down to it, how suspicious would it look for a small yacht to dock in America all the way from Russia? Toni took it all into account, considering possible outcomes and events that might happen depending on how she decided to land. Perhaps she could leave the yacht afloat and take the one life boat to the dock? That would work for her, but it would have to be at night, and she needed to get a hold of Reed very soon.

They were only about three hours from shore, Toni figured, so she would need to plan accordingly. And soon.

"Valeriya!" Toni called, coming up from the lower deck. She was completely dressed, hands covered, and hair pulled back. Her tight curls looked a little more managed today than normal. A small map and her phone were gripped tightly in her hands as she walked over to greet the younger woman.

Valeriya couldn't help but smile at the site of the bundled up Toni, despite nearing to the point of sweating and discomfort she still looked breathtaking. "Hello, dear. What have you got there?"

A small smile crossed Toni's lips as she closed the distance between them and showed her the map. "It's a map of the city. I've had it for a few years now, and I think we'll need it. Reed told me that she moved since I saw her last and I don't want us getting lost."

"So, does this mean we're going to be staying with her?" Valeriya inquired, looking over the Michigan map.

"Indeed, it does. She's an old friend of mine, an I trust her as much, if not more than I trust Sentinal. She's just a little odd." She chuckled and folded the map, sticking it into her back pocket.

"How is she odd?" Valeriya furrowed her eyebrows and followed as Toni made her way over to the single lifeboat that the yacht had.

"You'll see..." Toni sighed.


The short-lived sail in the lifeboat was a little rough, it was late in the day and the ocean water began to get choppy. The way the boat rocked caused a fair amount of uneasiness in Valeriya, Toni taking notice and protectively holding her against her torso while they floated towards the cement dock.

"It's cold out here." Valeriya commented, gripping onto Toni's arms.

"You grew up in Russia of all places, and you think this is cold?!" Toni couldn't help but snort out a laugh, earning a huff and a playful frown from the other.

The boat soon reached the intended dock, and Toni quickly and quietly lead Valeriya out of the boat and up the short ladder that lead to the surface. She followed behind, staring up at the other's backside in a fit to control herself.

"I know you're staring..." She heard the woman coo. A heavy blush struggled to hide itself on Toni's features as they settled atop the docks.

Darkness set over the loud city, and she could see the light pollution from where she stood. They hadn't reached Detroit yet, no. It would take around a day to get there if they traveled by bus and taxi. Toni was alright with that, she just hoped that Valeriya would be too, but at this point she figured there was really no reason to complain from both parties.

"Welcome to Rhode Island." Toni spread out her arms, as if showing the forty square foot mile-long state off.

"This is one of the smallest states here, I think we'll be passing through a big chunk of New England to be honest with you. It's nice up here... Very colonial." She added, smiling to Valeriya as they made their way through the dock yard.

The young woman's hand instinctively reached out and took Toni's, lacing their fingers together in an attempt to be innocently intimate as they walked. Every little touch mattered, and the fear of the new life that Valeriya was about to dive into made her realize that the slim chance of possibly losing Toni was not an option. This had to work. They absolutely needed to find out who was behind the sabotage. Toni seemed oblivious to the loud thoughts that were straining Valeriya's mind, being burdened by her own as they walked together.

The night hungover them thickly, being able to see splotches of pin pricks of stars where there were breaks in the overhead clouds. It felt peaceful, like nothing was wrong with the world at this very moment.

Valeriya didn't often think back on how the two came to be, but tonight was different. She would glance over at the other as they made their way down a wide road hand in hand. Everything was so odd, especially their relationship, but she wouldn't change it for the world.

She remembers it like it was yesterday, showing up at Toni's door; frantic and needing answers. The anger that boiled between them stung like a swift jab, only all the time. Trusting eachother was no different. Building trust took a lot of work, and a lot of overcoming fear, but it was worth it. Valeriya proved to Toni that she's a fair shot with a pistol, and she worked hard to go from fair to great. Impressing the other ever more, and now, all this hard work and build up of trust and feelings turned into this wonderful thing between them. Valeriya only hoped that this could be sorted, after all, they would be at Reed's house in a day, and America seemed like a place she could plant roots.



Ive been swamped with work, getting another job, and then my mother ended up in the hospital. Luckily everything's fine, but she gave us a right scare.

Anywho I'm terribly sorry all of you, this wouldn't have normally taken so long. I love you all! Chapter 24 should be done a lot quicker than this.

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