Chapter 12

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"...hope she's alright. Hey..." Toni started to hear the voice of someone unfamiliar next to her, echoing in and out as she started to regain consciousness.

"Hey! Miss... Are you alright?" They came into view and leaned a little closer to her. Toni could see now that is was a small old Russian woman, obviously having found her face down in an alleyway surrounded by the stench of bile.

 "Wha...?" She struggled to sit up at first, wincing at the pain ebbing in her head.

 "Yes, I'm alright." She'd let out in a breath, taking the woman's hand that she held out and standing with her.

"Are you alright to stand by yourself, dear?" She would ask in her small voice, looking over Toni in a worried fashion.

"Yeah... Yes. Again, I'm alright. I supposed I drank too much and took a spill here... I should go home. Thank you, ma'am." Toni pulled away from her and backed up a few steps, making sure that she had her footing before trotting off down the side walk.

"Wait!" The elderly woman called after her, but Toni didn't stop. She kept going knowing that she had been out far too long. It was dark now, and the cold bit at her more now that the sun had subsided behind the horizon line. The air made her feel a little uncomfortable, for once. It had touched her bones and made her quake just slightly. Toni wasn't sure how long she'd been laying outside, it could've been hours, seeing as how not many people pass through this part of town to begin with. She took the liberty of checking the time on her phone to see exactly how long she had been out.

"Just after one..." She grumbled, also taking note of the dozen or so missed calls and text messages from Valeriya. All consisting of wondering where Toni was and apologizing.

"No..." She mumbled to herself, refusing to acknowledge her room mate in the least. Everything made her angry. The fight, her hands, drinking so much, and what made her... Her. Toni knew full well that being gay didn't make up who she was. It was just a part, a very small part, or so she assumed. But to Valeriya, it seemed to mean a lot more, considering that Russia was a very strict and volatile place to live for such people.

Her mind suddenly clouded as her apartment complex came into view, not realizing that her thoughts had completely intruded the direction in which she was trying to go.

"Guess I don't have a choice now." Toni said quietly and then sighed, clumsily making her way to the building and up the stairs that would lead to her front door. She didn't want to do this. She didn't want to face Valeriya, be confronted, have to talk and make up, or even very well look at her. She just wanted to go into her room and sleep. She hadn't expected what she found.

Valeriya was coiled up in a blanket, lying on the couch. From Toni's point of view, she looked to be in a light sleep.

"Hm... Maybe I will get a night of peace then." She said to herself in a slur. Her breaths came easy, but deep, and she made her way to the sleeping Valeriya as quietly as she could manage.

"Stop making me fall for you..." She sighed out, a tinge of hurt in her voice. Looking over the young woman, she spotted everything that made her attracted in the first place. The way her hair always lay perfectly straight, rarely ever getting out of place, her pale complexion that made her seem doll-like, those beautiful green eyes that she caught herself staring at every so often. Every little thing... Of course, Valeriya had some things about her that Toni was irked by, but that was with everyone. There were things about Toni that Valeriya didn't like. She thought that was okay, because in the end, no one is truly perfect. But, Valeriya was perfect to Toni, and as much as she loved it, she also hated it. This girl didn't know much about the world around her and on top of that, she was straight. They may live together, but Toni knew when she didn't have a chance, especially now. Given her hands, what could she do? She could never touch Valeriya. She would never be able to caress her, or hold her hand, cup her cheeks, much less kiss her without causing trouble. The thoughts suddenly became overwhelming and Toni needed to pull away, gritting her teeth to fight off the rush of feelings that were making her heart swirl.

"Love is ridiculous... I can't handle this." She whined upon getting up from her kneeling position, stumbling across the apartment to her bedroom. She shut and locked the door behind her and immediately stripped down to get comfortable, crawling into bed and letting the drunken waves in her head take her into the darkness.

Meanwhile, Valeriya sat up on the couch, biting gently on her lower lip. She'd felt Toni's presense and heard everything she had said.

 "Love..." Was all she could bring herself to say, not knowing how to approach the other now. She got up and slowly walked to her bedroom door, thinking to knock and ask if she could talk, but what would she say? Tell her that everything she said was heard and that she can't accept it? No... That would make way for another fight, perhaps. She slowly reached for the knob and tried it, sighing, seeing how it was locked.

 "Perhaps I could pick it..." Valeriya hummed, picking a couple of bobby pins off of the desk by the kitchen and bending one open. Thank God she taught me how to do this... She thought to herself as the tumblers all synced up properly forced the lock to turn.

"Perfect..." She left the bobby pins on the floor and tip toed into Toni's room, stopping short once she was that the other had sprawled out half naked on her bed and immediately fell asleep, the sight cause her to chuckle a little.

Valeriya came to the edge of Toni's bed and sat down as gently as she could, afraid of waking her.

"I'm very sorry..." She started, feeling as if she could express how she feels to Toni if she stayed asleep, the fear of backlash diminishing upon realizing that perhaps Toni would still hear her, even in subconscious.

"I didn't mean to react the way that I did, or to upset you so terribly. I care about you... Very much, Antonia. Our friendship means more to me than you'll ever realize. I know now that I don't care where you come from, what you prefer, or the things you have done in your past. That's all very important as to who you are, yes, but the way I see you... You're great. You are absolutely wonderful, Antonia. We may have met under bad circumstances, but I'm glad that it was you who came into my life... Thank you, so much." Valeriya found herself tearing up as she spoke, having to shut her eyes to keep it all from overflowing on her sleeping counterpart.

Not seconds later, a warm hand reached up to give a swift but gentle brush along Valeriya's cheek, "you're welcome, Val." Toni had woken up upon Valeriya sitting next to her, but she hadn't wanted to say anything, so she listened. She was glad she did. Valeriya was surprised at first, but it made her tears flow ever more.

 "Why are you crying?" Toni asked through a small smile. The other flung herself around Toni in a tight embrace,

 "I... I'm just happy that you've taken me in. I couldn't ask for a better friend." Ah, there it is. Friend. Toni expected as much, but she was still glad that there was no hard feelings between them.

"I'm happy too..."


Alright! This is the last update of the day, sadly. This is all I have prewritten. There would be more, but work gets in the way of my creativity all too often :( Although, I will try to make my updates weekly from here on. I hope you like it. You're All very great. And thank you LBrooks for helping me out! Im so thankful to you and all my new followers, readers, just everyone. You're all really great :)

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