Chapter 28

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"I know..." He said with his arms up in a surrendering gesture. "I'm not the one you wanted to see."

Toni's breath caught in her throat. She absolutely couldn't believe that he was involved, even though there was mounting evidence to support that he was behind most of this, or atleast feeding information back to whomever was controlling him. Something that Toni didn't address, though, or perhaps denied to herself, was that Sentinal knew exactly what he was doing to his old friend. At this point in her life, she became too good. Too strong. There were a lot of people who wanted to see her gone, and many would stop at nothing to achieve that. One such woman being Ms. Barinova.

"Toni?" His voice brought her back to reality, her green eyes rising to meet his.

"Why are you doing this, Sentinal?" Her voice shuddered. Too often she had to be strong, but she couldn't be in front of him or Valeriya. And they both happened to be here. Her resolve began to fail her at all sides, it was ridiculous. The gun in her hand rose to point towards his face.

"Come on..." He held his hands up, a pistol clutched in his right. "You don't have to do this..."

"Then why are you?!" Toni spat in his direction, her deep green eyes building with animosity and sudden hatred. She just couldn't understand.

Sentinal's eyes fell a little, and then they hardened. "You want me to tell you why, Toni?" His voice became stone like.

Valeriya's eyes flickered between the two, her gun held up, ready to defend Antonia at any cost. Even though this man meant so much to Toni, if he tried anything that was it. Any resolve would fly out the window and she would pull the trigger.

"Because of her!" His voice boomed through the still air of the warehouse, barrel of his gun pointed at Valeriya. His eyes thirsted with what could only be explained as vengeance. He was angry, but why?

"Leave her out of this, god dammit!" Toni hugged the trigger with her index finger, walking towards him in quick strides. "What did she do to you? What could she have possibly fucking done to make you turn on me?!"

"She took you from me." The two were face to face now, deep eyes engulfed in one another. "You let this pampered bitch change you, Toni, and to prove your mistake I'm going to enjoy watching Barinova's clan of goons have their fun torturing and killing her. Just like you should've done."

It was apparent at that moment that Sentinal never truly grasped how Toni felt about Valeriya, because the next thing he felt was the butt of her gun colliding with the temple of his head, causing him to double over onto the ground with a violent whip and thud.

"Talk about her like that one more time, Sentinal. The next thing you'll feel is a fucking bullet." She hissed, nearly shaking. A hand fell on her forearm, pulling her away from the wriggling man.

"We should go..." Val urged, hearing the screeching of tires outside. Someone was there, more than likely his new boss's goons.

Toni replied with a simple nod and started running towards the back end of the warehouse, pulling the frisky Russian along with her.

"Don't you fucking dare!" A strained scream sounded from behind them, followed by several gunshots. Sentinal hadn't been knocked out, unbeknownst to Toni.

Valeriya tried pulling Toni along, but something was off. She would barely budge. "Antonia? Darling...?" She turned to find Toni standing there, still as stone. Blood ran down the front of her blue blouse.

"I-I... I think I've been shot, baby." Toni smiled a little, stumbling to the side so that Valeriya wouldn't touch any part of her that was bleeding.

"No... No!" She screamed, rushing past Toni with her gun drawn, seeing Sentinal still struggle to make it over. The idiot had a concussion.

"That's what she gets!" He spat at Valeriya, still tripping over his feet to get to her. He opened his mouth to speak again, but was forced silent with several bullets lodged into his face and neck. Out of pure blind rage, Valeriya unloaded her entire clip into the large man, ending his hatred quickly. As his body fell, a scream ripped through her throat. She had to check on Toni, she had to know of she was alright. Her gun fell as she ran back to her lover, finding her lying motionless on the concrete floor.

"Darling..." She weeped, kneeling down at her side. The wounds were bad, two in her chest, and one in the side of her neck. The acid in her blood could only help so much.

"Valeriya." She smiled through the blood seeping out of her lips. "I'm sorry, but you have to be strong for me now."

"No, don't speak like this! You'll be fine, your blood, it can... it can..." She brought a hand up to her mouth to covet the sobs breaking through.

Toni shook her head weakly. "Not this time." She smiled one last time before the lights faded from her eyes, leaving Valeriya.

"Antonia...? Toni?!" She yelled out, afraid to reach out and touch her.

Headlights appeared outside of the front doors, signalling her to leave. She had to do something. Valeriya forced her body to it's feet, running out the back door as fast as she could and around the side of the building. She had to avenge Toni, she had to do something. Somehow.

She would make Barinova remember her name.

SMALL UPDATE! Those of you effected by the BYG Trope, much like me, I will break a rule right now and tell you that TONI LIVES. She doesn't remain dead. Just a lil shot

So this is the very last chapter of the book.

It was hard writing this. Part of the reason it took so long.

DON'T KILL ME I LOVE YOU GUYS. And just to clarify there will be a book two.
As well as many more new stories.

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