Chapter 18

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Their road trip lasted well into the night, stopping only to get gas and the occasional bathroom break. The long hours on the winding roads didn't harbor much conversation. Toni was beginning to wonder if Valeriya was truly alright after everything that had transpired. She was eerily quiet.

Toni was a little afraid to ask what she was thinking, finding herself scared to know if Valeriya thought a little worse of her aftet the shooting incident with Petrov's car. The exchange since only consisted of small talk of where they were or asking if one needed to use the bathroom. Otherwise, it was silent. Valeriya stared out of the passenger's side window as if she was determined to find something. Yet, there was nothing there. Just snow and passing trees.

Valeriya glanced over at Toni throughout their entire ride together, up until now. She hoped the other didn't notice her constant staring but she felt that she would catch on eventually. Since they raced off from the scene of the shooting, she had been feeling weird. As if Toni had awakened something inside of her that she couldn't pinpoint. A certain need.

"Antonia?" She spoke up before her mind ran too far.

"Hm? What's up?" The other spoke smoothly, staring forward onto the road still.

"Could we pull over for the night? I think we both need to rest." What am I saying?

"If you want... But, I don't think there's a hotel or an inn for miles." Toni pointed out, giving a sideways glance to Valeriya along with a raised brow.

"We can sleep in the car then." She said perhaps a little too quickly, darting her eyes to catch Toni's before averting her gaze back on the road.

"Okay, if you want." Toni drove a little longer before pulling the car off to the right, leading them down a thin dirt road that was caked in snow. She kept driving until she reached a dead end, turning around in it and parking off to the side. It was late by the time she finally stopped, nearing 2:45a.m. Valeriya looked tired, and Toni could tell that something was wrong.

"Are you sure you're okay? You've been acting sort of weird since earlier. Did I upset you?" Her voice came out more nervous than it should've been, she she trusted the other. She deserved to see her vulnerable, even if just a little.

"It's not that... No, you didn't upset me, Antonia." She reassured with a light smile, turning fully to face the woman. "What you did for me, even though it was completely reckless, was... one of the purest things anyone has ever done for me. Pure in the way that you were defending my honor. The honor that he's so desperately trying to soil. Thank you so much." Valeriya's voice faltered a little in her last sentence, feeling the need to hold herself back.

Toni stared at the other for a long while before returning her smile, reaching out to rest her hand atop the other's. "A pure act for a pure person. Don't let anyone take that from you."

"You think I'm pure?" A playful smile broke out on the Russian's face as she raised a brow.

"You're one of the more innocent people I've met." Toni said in a laugh, bringing her hand back into her lap. She was caught of gaurd when Valeriya reached out to take it back, holding Toni's hand in both of hers.

"Wait..." She said quietly.

"What's wrong?" Toni asked, staring at their joined hands.

"Why is it that all of these reckless and misfortunate happenings always result in you and I being alone?" Valeriya whispered.

Toni pursed her lips and looked down, taking in the sight of their hands together yet again. A slow heat crossed her cheeks as she struggled to come up with an answer that wouldn't make either of them uncomfortable.

Whispers and Silent Motion (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now