Chapter 8

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The assignment started just as most others would have, slow but smooth. Toni wisped her way around the mansion with ease, having overlooked a map before entering. Many maids, butlers, and house workers fell and melted at her hands, but when she got to the study where her target was supposed to be settled, she was met with something far more sinister. The older woman sat facing Toni upon her entering, surrounded by at least five men. Every one of them were armed, lightly, but armed none the less. They carried small caliber glocks and they were all pointed in her direction.

"We've been expecting you, ma'am." Ms. Barinova smiled, gesturing a hand to Toni.

 "It seems you have..." She retorted, shooting her gaze around to each of the men and then back onto her supposed target.

"Why is it that you're expecting me? These things are usually secretive, aye?" The young woman tried, slowly stepping backwards toward the door she came in.

"Yes, they are. On the contrary, we were tipped off about your visit by... A reliable source. They told me you would be here, and look, you are." Ms. Barinova's smile started to twist into a devious smirk, staring the assassin down.

"And I hope you don't expect to be leaving here alive at this rate." She would remark snidely.

"If you plan on shooting me, so be it... But before you do, I want to know who told you about me... Who told you about your hit?" Toni tried carefully, lowering her eyes in a way to seem more submissive in the current situation. A tactic that worked in more than one instance.

"Come now, you think I don't know that I've had a hit out on me? It's old news. The first time was a bit scary, sure, but I have my ways around it, dear. As you can tell, I keep my person armed to the teeth. As for who told me about you... Well, if you happen to survive, perhaps I'll tell you. As of now, though, I hope you go to the grave with that wonderment of yours." As if on cue, the men surrounding Ms. Barinova drew their guns in front of them and took aim.

"I suggest you run." The older woman warned in more of a jest, prompting Toni to turn on her heel and dart out the door.

She could hear the guns blast off behind her, and then she felt it. She felt them lodge into her shoulder, back, and even her leg. Figuring just then that one of them must have had terrible aim, but thankful they missed her head entirely. Toni could feel her heated blood course through her veins at higher speed, every drop that released from her body and onto the floor made a loud sizzling noise, causing her to move faster.

Movement was a challenge as she could barely use one of her legs, and with the men taking chase and cornering her down the hall, she had no choice but to stop. Toni found herself backed against a large second story window, blood ran down her arms, back, and legs. The heat from it all caused her a great discomfort, so much so that she could barely stand it, feeling the urge to scream. They all stared her down, guns pointed to her.

 "Please..." She pleaded, but with a guards mindset, they of course wouldn't listen. They had someone to protect at all costs, and this was one cost they had to pay out. Although, in their eyes, killing Toni wouldn't be skin off their nose. Knowing this, Toni had a window of opportunity, and she would take it... Now.

"Agh!" She suddenly swung her arm foward, with her hand facing out towards them, making a sweeping motion over all of them. Her blood splashed forward in droplets and landed against each of their faces. This was a blessing and a curse. They were diverted, but one began to shoot off his gun randomly, trying to get Toni no matter what. Only one bullet made contact, and it lodged itself into her shoulder, launching her backwards and out the window with a crash. A loud thud could be heard as she landed on the cold ground beneath her, covered in a moderate layer of snow.

"Ugh..." She knew it was dangerous to stay there any longer, but she couldn't move. Soon, she'd black out. Blood drained in small streams and pooled underneath her as she rested in those cold shales of ice.

From what she guessed, it was hours before she finally woke up. Daylight shone bright above her, causing her to flinch some.

"Ugh... Ah, ow!" She winced suddenly as she tried to sit up, shooting backwards again and laying on her back. The wound in her shoulder seemed worse than she thought. Normally, they would've healed by now. Not only bullets, but glass was lodged in her skin, and when her wounds were being blocked from closing, they wouldn't heal. Much like any normal person, she reasoned.

"Mmf... Come on, you have to get up..." She tried to motivate herself. The pain was still there and her body was stiff. Toni could feel the dried, hot blood caked to her skin and clothes, which had holes eaten in them from her blood loss. It took several or more tries, and a few trip ups, but Toni was finally able to get to her feet. She couldn't recall how long she'd been gone at this rate, some amount of time over twelve hours. Valeriya would be worried out of her skin, no doubt.

"I'll be home soon." She sent off to the other in a text message, thankful that her blood didn't make it to her phone, not needing that to be broken ontop of the other problems she was now facing.
Toni hobbled slowly off of the Barinova property, guessing now that they must think her to be dead. Which played to her advantage. She was able to find her car parked among the trees a block or so away from the original area she was meant to work in.

"Thank God I still have my car." She muttered as she slid into the driver's seat, pulling her key from the glove compartment and roaring the engine to life. The car sped down the road, nearly going 80 as she made her way back to her apartment.

"Do you have an ice bath drawn for me like I asked?" Toni inquired as she entered, being met with Valeriya frantically pacing the front room.

 "Where in the f-... What happened to you?!" The obvious tone of anger died down almost immediately upon seeing her friend arrive in such a banged up state.

"Ugh... I'll tell you later. So, ice bath or not?" She pushed, not wanting to talk about the second failed job in a row.

 "Yeah... It should still be cold. Go on." Val said upon sitting down, sighing. Her brows furrowed as she watched her counterpart limp off to their bathroom. She noticed the dried blood caked along her skin and the holes in her clothes. Her curiosity overtook her and she follwed Toni, walking in while the other was undressing.

"So what happened out there?" She asked nonchalantley.

 "Hey, whoa! Ugh. Can't you see I'm undressing here?" Toni bit back.

"Shut up, I've seen it all before. I am a girl, you know." Valeriya said while quirking a brow.

"Yeah? Could've fooled me..." The other muttered, butting back in before her counterpart could scold her.

 "Anyway, there was an ambush. Somehow, the target knew I was coming and her men were armed. There were at least five of them. I was shot twice in the shoulder, once in the back, and once in the leg. The second shot to my shoulder actually launched me out of a window. Fun stuff, hm?"

Valeriya walked over to Toni slowly, observing the bullet holes and the cuts from the glass. Awe struck that they were already healing, the flesh pulling together with a small stream of smoke from the singed wound.

"My God..." She started in a whisper, "can I do anything?" Her eyes then rose to meet Toni's, who just stared at her. Sort of shocked that she'd want to help. It was something that she still had to get used to.

"Uh, yeah. I guess." She said finally, breaking her slight captivation.

 "Get me a pair of large metal tweezers. They'll be in the kitchen, under the sink, second drawer to the right." She'd order, smiling to herself as the other went straight for the task at hand.

Whispers and Silent Motion (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now