Niall 7

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Your Pov

I stood there shocked, and had some tears in my eyes. Liam really called me a slut and just walked away. Niall grabbed both of my hands and turned me towards him. He looked int my tear layered eyes.

"Princess, don't cry. He was just being a prick. Your not a slut." He said pulling me into his chest. I nodded as a few tears slipped down my cheeks. I kinda was a slut though in a way. I lead Liam on only just to break up with him and go out with Niall. How could I do that? I just lost one of my best friends. One of my only friends. I looked over to see Courtney looked a little disgusted and leave. I didn't now if she was mad at me or Liam. I wiped the tears away as I watched people look at me and smile. I felt humiliated. Niall saw this and sent them death glares. They quickly walked off. He looked back to me, I chose the wrong day to wear my glasses. I wiped them off with my sweater and put them back on.

"How about we go to lunch?' He asked I nodded as he smiled and he draped his arm around my waste. He guided me to the parking lot and to his car. I looked to see all his friends leaning up against it and smoking. They were all talking and stopped when they saw Niall. They smiled and then looked confused when they saw me. One kept looking at me up and down. As I took off my glasses again to clean them. Niall saw this and reacted fast.

"Keep those eyes to your self Louis" he said. He threw his hands up in defense. One with Curley hair, Harry. He looked confused at me as Niall tried getting smoke remains off his car. Harry was known around school, for bullying and sleeping around sometimes. I wondered if that's just what people labeled him because he made one mistake.

"Niall your stopping low for a shag now" he said. Niall shit his head up and in moments he was in Harry's face.

"She is not low! And she's not a shag she's different. A good different." He said looking to me and smiling. I was taken back a what Harry said. Did Niall sleep around a lot? I knew I wasn't the first girl he had gone out with but Ididn't know what number I was.didn't know what number I was. And did I really look so bad?

"Mate, did you just hear yourself. She's already turning you soft." Louis said. Niall punched Louis In the shoulder as Louis gasped for air.

"Is that soft for you?' He asked. Louis shook his head and Niall took me by the hand and opened the door for me. He was being so nice, I didn't want to change him. For one his friends would hate me and two, I liked him as him. He got in and we drove to the restaurant. We walked in hand and hand. We sat at a booth near the window as the waitress handed us two waters. I looked at the menu. I tried to look for low calorie foods since I actually was eating. Niall looked at me weird and put down his menu.

"Y/N why do you never eat?" He asked. I froze. I hoped he didn't notice, but I guess he did. I knew this question would come up, but I wish it hadn't. I hated myself. My look. Ever since I started getting teased I just stopped.

"Because I got teased about my weight, but there were right. I am fat" I said looking down. Niall took my hands in his and put his fingers under my chin tilting my face to look at his.

"Y/N you are not fat. Far from it. Your perfect in every way. Now eat or I'll kick your ass." He simply put it. I smiled and laughed a little and nodded. I excused myself to the bathroom as I left the table. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I took my glasses off and messed with my hair. I felt, confident. I placed my glasses back on. I looked at my outfit. It wasn't me. Maybe this is why people thought I was going to change Niall. Then an idea popped in my head. I rushed out of the bathroom and to our table where Niall was still looking at the menu.

"Why are you so happy?" He asked as. Sat down.

"Niall would you do something for me?" I asked


"I want you to change my look."

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