Louis 5

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After about an hour of shopping Louis had bought me a whole new wardrobe. We got glares from almost everyone in the mall. Sure Louis had tattoos and piercings but he wasn't an alien! I have to admit some of the outfits were very cute, but my mother would never let me leave the house in them! Louis put all the bags into the trunk, but handed me one outfit.

" Why don't you go pit this on. We're going somewhere." He said with a playful smirk. I rolled my eyes and went to the bathrooms. I slipped on the outfit. I started walking out of the bathroom when 2 guys started to talk to me.

" What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone!" One said to me. I ignored him and kept walking.

" Hey babe wanna go back to my place?" The other asked getting closer. I kept walking until one grabbed my butt. I smacked his hand away and turned around. He was smiling playfully at me and went for my butt again but missed. His friend was doing the same. I tried to fight them both off but it was too much. Then Louis ripped them both off of me.

" Ernie and Jase what did I tell you." He yelled at them.

" She's yours Tomlinson?" The one stuttered out.

" Hell yeah and if either one of you touch her again you know what happens." He growled. They both nodded their heads and ran off. Louis came over to me.

" They didn't hurt you did they?" He asked concerned.

" No they were just very...hansy." I said.

"Yeah they know not to touch you now. You look hot!" He said looking me up and down, I blushed. What was I doing! My mother is going to kill me.

" Yeah then you can take the responsibility when my mother dies of a heart attack when she sees her innocent daughter walk through the door like this!" I said gesturing to me.

" Oh it will be fine. You have to learn to take some risks baby." He said putting his arm around me. I was still uncomfortable with this whole being his situation but not as when it happened. Louis placed my other clothes in his car and opened the door for me.

" Now where are we going?" I asked.

" You'll see" he replied smiling.


ok this was shorter then I hoped

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