Punk Zayn

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Zayn was the town bad boy. He lived on the bad side of town and did everything bad you could imagine. Smoked, drugs, fought with people frequently, and never showed up for school. It was a miracle he made it this far in school, the teachers probably just passed him because they would have to deal with him again if they didn't. Your parents friends and everyone else told you to stay away from him no matter what. You didn't plan on trying to get to know him ever. You went to the football games every Friday night with your friends and hung out with the popular group around the bleachers. The football field was separated by groups the popular group had the far right of the bleachers the marching band would sit in the middle and the punk group hung out behind the bleachers by the bathrooms. You were in the last quarter and your team was up by 12.

You were sitting in between the two most popular guys at your school watching the game. You felt a arm snake around your waste and start to pull you up. The boy on your right names Brad was pulling your by the hand down the bleachers. He was to strong to fight off so you followed down the bleachers. When you got to the bottom Brad crashed his lips into yours. You were taking by surprise because he was also trying to pull your shirt up. You tried to push away but he kept a firm grip on you. You kept trying to push off him and run. He grabbed you by the wrists and looked down at you.

" There's no use fighting I'll still win." He growled kissing down your neck.

" Help, stop please." You screamed

Brad looked up at you and smirked. He was just about to slip his hand up your shirt when you felt him get pulled away from you. You saw him laying on the ground holding his nose. Then you saw something you never would have guesses Zayn was standing over him holding him down.

He turned to you and just said," Run" and turned back to brad pulling him up by the collar. You turned and ran.

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