Liam 4

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My heart felt broken and relieved at the same time. I stood there shocked. Troy was basically swallowing Shay's face and he didn't even notice Liam and I standing there. I felt the tears threatening to spill over as I stood there stiff as a board. Liam stood there in shock with me. Then he clenched his jaw in anger. He looked over at me seeing the tears beginning to fall down my face. With that he went over to Troy grabbed him by the collar and ripped him away from Shay.

" You little sleeze bag." Liam hissed. Troy's eyes filled with fear and anger.

" What'd you call me punk?" Troy shit back.

" How dare you cheat on Y/N!" Liam yelled at Troy.

" She got boring! She would never really make out with me, and it's not like she was the prettiest girl. I mean would you wanna be seen with her if she wasn't wearing make up!" Troy said at Liam. My heart felt like it had been ripped out of my chest. I never loved Troy but I always cared about what he thought about me and I did feel like he loved me. Liam shoved Troy harder into the wall.

" Don't ever say that about her! She's so beautiful! With make up and with out. Hell she even looks good when she's wearing sweats and has her hair up with her glasses. She's smart too! You don't deserve her, she deserves better than you. If I could call her mine I would always tell her how beautiful she is and always remind her she meant the world to me. I would hold her and comfort her whenever she needed me, and wipe her tears away. What I don't understand is why she went out with a sleeze bag like you!" Liam said. My heart fluttered just a bit hearing what Liam said to me. The fire work feeling in my stomach from when he kissed me came back. I smiled just a bit still crying but now I wasn't sure if they were sad or happy.

" Oh Liam she will never be yours! She will never date a low life like you. Plus it's not like she'll ever find out about this, and if you tried to tell her she would NEVER believe you. So get it through your head now that Y/N will always be mine." Troy smirked. I felt anger rise up inside me. How dare he say that to Liam! I walked over behind Liam and got in vision of Troy.

" Oh will I! You know Liam doesn't deserve this shit from you! No one does! I can't believe you cheated on me. I thought you actually liked me but I sensed something wrong. I never felt sparks with you. You know what we're done Troy, now and forever!" I said and stepped back grabbing onto Liam's arm.

" Whatever you'll be nothing without me! You'll be a low life freak and never get another boyfriend again! You just made a huge mistake sweetheart." Troy stated and waked away. I could see Liam holding himself back from beating the living crap out of Troy. His fists were clenched and his jaw as well. I touched his shoulder making him ease up. He looked at me with hurt eyes.

" Y/N I can't be­" he started. I smashed my lips into his. Fireworks erupted in my lips. My stomach filled with butterflies. This is what a kiss is supposed to feel like. Liam kissed me back. Our lips fit and moved together perfectly. We pulled back for air and I looked into Liam's eyes.

" Wow" was all that I he said.

" So did you really mean all that stuff you said about me?" I asked.

" Every word of it, Y/N you are the most beautiful girl in the whole world and lately I've been acting a jerk towards you because you were with Troy and it hurt. I thought if I pushed you away it wouldn't hurt anymore. I was wrong it only made me want you more." He said looking at the ground. I felt my heart sore and a smile crept on my lips.

" I like you too Liam Your tattoos your piercings everything. I felt nothing with Troy, never did. I was afraid to leave him." I said looking back to Liam's eyes. Liam snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a hug.

" Y/N will you please be my girlfriend I promise to be by your side, hold your hand, and protect you from whatever comes next. You might not be the most liked girl in school when your dating me, but I will always be there when you need me." Liam finished. I smiled and put my arms around Liam's neck.

" I would love to." I replied. We heard whistles from behind us to see Liam's friends watching us. We also some of the popular kids watching with disgusted faces. Next week will be tough but I have Liam to protect me, right?

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