Punk Niall 3

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It had been two days since the Niall thing and Liam had been watching him and looking after you almost every second he could. Today you had noticed Liam wasn't at school. You saw Courtney by her locker and ran up to her.

" Where's Liam?" You asked.

" Home sick. Is it nice not to have him glued to your side!" She said laughing.

" You have no idea." You said

" he really doesn't like Niall looking or talking to you." Courtney said closing her locker.

" I know. He has been very protective lately." You said walking with Court down the hall.

" Well if he was here right now he would be pounding Niall well at least trying." She said looking over your shoulder.

You turned to see Niall staring at you while his friends were laughing. Niall hung out with the other kids like him. Covered in tattoos and piercings. His three closest friends were Harry, Louis, and Zayn. They were the people that you would not mess with. No matter what happened if they were together they could kill you. Niall was just looking at you like he was trying to figure something out. He was knocked out of the case when Harry patted him on the shoulder. He looked away and headed down the hall.

" Well I have to go to class but I'll see you at lunch Ok?" Court said walking away.

You walked into your first class seeing Niall wasn't there as usual. You sighed and put down your stuff. A thousand thoughts were going through your head. Why was he looking at me? Does he hate me? Why do I have this feeling in my stomach when I think about him? You were trying to figure everything out when a thought hit you. Liam wasn't here today. That means Lacy would know and she would do her dirty work while she could. Great. The bell rang and the teacher was going over to shut the door when Niall came running in. He raced over to your table and sat down.

" Calling a little close are we Mr. Horan?" The teacher asked shutting the door.

Niall shrugged and opened up his binder. You were in the middle of an assignment when something hit you in the back. You reached down and picked a note up off the floor. It said to Y/N from Lacy. Great. You opened it up and read:

Dear loser,

I see Liam isn't here to protect you today! Well now we can have some fun. I hope you haven't forgotten how much you

disgust me:) Meet me out side the bathrooms at lunch. Don't tell anybody or not come or things will get even worse next

time. -Lacy

You suddenly felt nervousness rise up in your chest. You were probably making a weird face to because someone tapped on your shoulder. You looked up to see Niall staring into your eyes. You got that weird feeling in your stomach again making you feel warm inside. His eyes were so perfect.

" What's wrong?" He asked his eyes filled with concern. You crumpled up the note and shuffled it into your binder.

" Nothing I'm fine." You said returning to your book.

*skip to lunch*

You slowly walked to the bathrooms wanting to turn around and run the other way. But the words ' only be worse next time' ran through your head. You didn't want to know what that felt like so you decided to take the first option. You came into view of the bathrooms to see Lacy and her friends waiting for you. You took a deep breath and walked forward.

" Well well look who it is girls, the sea scum it's self." Lacy said smiling evilly.

" Thank you Lacy." You said playing with your fingers.

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