Punk Niall 2

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3rd hour dragged on forever and finally it was lunch time. You didn't have a lot of friends at school only 2 close friends. You weren't popular at all, actually the popular girls always picked on you and told you you were worthless. You put your books in your locker and started to walk to the courtyard. You didn't actually eat lunch, you hadn't since the 7th grade . That's when the girls had started picking on you. So you just sat with your friends. You walked into the courtyard and saw your friends Liam and Courtney sitting on the ground talking. You made your way over to them and sat down.

" Hey guys!" You said sitting next to Liam.

" Hey not much just talking about the new English assignment, so what's up?" Liam asked eating.

You weren't sure you wanted to tell them about Niall because they would think you were crazy and you didn't want to lose them. It was probably just nothing.

" Not a lot just having a rough day is all." You said shrugging your shoulders.

" Lacy hasn't done anything to you has she!" Liam said tightening his fists.

Liam was like your older brother he was 1 year ahead of you in school and made sure you were ok. Lacy was the head cheerleader who pretty much made your life hell starting in the 7th grade. Liam then found out in the beginning of high school and made sure Lacy stayed away from you. This made her back off some but she snuck in her evil ways when Liam wasn't around.

" No not today." You said putting your head down.

" Hey it's ok" Courtney said rubbing your back.

Courtney was like your sister. She was the same age as you were but acted younger than her age most of the time but had her moments when she acted older.

"Um Y/N Niall is starring at you." Courtney said whispering in your ear.

You snapped your head to the direction Courtney had her head. Niall was in fact starring at you. Liam looked up to see this and quickly snaked his arm around your waste. Again Liam didn't want you hurt. Liam stood up and helped you up off the ground. He looked over to Niall who s still starting at you and made sure he saw that Liam put his arm around your waste. Liam smiled and kissed your forehead. Liam liked you, even though he would never say it he did. You didn't mind it was nice to have a guy protect you. Niall saw this clenched his jaw and turned and walked away.

" He better stay away from you." Liam said pulling you out of the courtyard.

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