Punk Liam 3

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Your POV

I felt Fire works nothing I had ever felt with Troy. But this was Liam. He could be using me to get to Troy or it could be a heat of the moment thing. But still I kissed back. After what felt like hours we parted for air. I looked into his eyes and saw something, kindness. I had never seen this in Liam before. Maybe he does like me. What! What am I thinking I'm with Troy and it would never work. I broke the gaze and looked down at my feet. He did the same. What I did felt so right but wrong at the same time. The tension was broken by the bell ringing. I jumped out of my seat and ran to my locker. What just happened!?!? I was just shutting my locker when Troy came up to me.

" Hey babe your coming to the game tonight right?" He said putting his hands on my hips. right tonight was the football game. 

" You know it, I wouldn't miss it for the world." I say smiling. He leaned in and kissed me. I had no fireworks no sparks. Nothing I had with Liam.

" Great I have to get to practice but I'll see you at the game." Troy said walking down the hall. I walked out to the parking lot up to my car. My family wasn't wealthy but we were pretty well off. My car wasn't perfect it was used and pretty rusty but it ran. I opened the door and set my stuff in when I heard a voice behind me.

" Hey love." The person said from behind me. I turned around to see Harry. He was one of Liam's friends. Also as the people at school called him the school player. 

"Hi?" Said close the car door.

" Say wanna come to the game with me tonight?" He said looking me up and down.

" Ummmmmm-" Ithought 

" Harry!" Someone yelled from across the parking lot. I looked over to Liam standing by the fence with the rest of the group they belonged to. Harry's face dropped when he looked at Liam who was scowling. He then turned back t me.

" Never mind I kinda have other plans sorry!" He said running to join Liam.

" Ok?" I said opening up my car door. skipping the rest of the day because that shiz is boring and I couldn't come up with much.- I walked into the gate to see my " friends" waiting for me on the bleachers. I walked up to them and sat down.

" Hey girls" I said sitting down.

" Hey Y/N we were just talking about how Talia was gonna get a nose job!" Meg squeals. Meg and Talia are my so called friends. I think they just hang with me because I date Troy and if so etching happened and we split they could jump right in. I also hang put with shay but we don't talk much. They were all so fake though. They wore loads of makeup got nose jobs and spend three hours on their hair. I really don't think I could ever do that.

" That would look ......... nice" I say looking at Talia.

" I know right!" She says clapping her hands.

" Where's Shay?" I ask looking around.

" She went to go get popcorn like five minutes ago." Meg says turning back to Talia.

" I'll go look for her." I say standing up. I walked over t the concession stand and see one of Liam's other friends Niall. Niall was so sweet I had some classes with him. Behind all the tattoos and stuff he really was just a big teddy bear. But he did have an anger too. Me and Niall were secretly friends for awhile but it just got to hard. We could never talk to each other at school and in class it was hard to talk with out getting caught. We went and hung out sometimes as friends. We were nothing more we just loved hanging out together. He was one of my true friends. I walked up to him seeing he had three hotdogs and was trying to carry candy at the same time. I walked over and grabbed the candy before he dropped it.

" This all for you Niall." I said grabbing food.

" Maybe you wanna make something-" he stopped when he saw it was me.

" Y/N! Yeah you know how hungry I get! Thanks for the help." He said a smile spreading across his face.

" No prob now were am I taking the food!" I say like an explorer.

" We're me and the boys hang." He said walking motioning for me to follow. I followed walking behind the bleachers to see maybe 5 or 6 guys and 2 girls. I stopped and Niall noticed.

" I know they look scary and you are kinda our enemy well theirs but they won't bite." He said making sure I started to walk. Niall sat down and set the food down holding his hands out for the rest that I was holding.

" What no thank you?" I said still holding the food

" oh yeah THANK YOU Y/N! Niall said loudly The other boys snapped their heads in my direction. They all stared at me but one slightly smiled. Liam.

" Niall you know not to bring her back here!" One with black hair said looking at me.

" Just chill she was helping me with my food! And she happens to be a very good- oof!" He said me elbowing him in the stomach.

 " what was that for!" He said rubbing his stomach. I shook my head but the other boys noticed.

" What were you going to say Niall?" Harry asked.

" Might as well tell them!" Niall said shrugging his shoulders.

" I don't think that's a good idea!" I said in a whisper scream fashion

" you to are dating aren't you!" Harry says snapping his fingers I see Liam tense up. I grabbed Niall's hand and swing it back and forth.

" Yes we're MADLY in love!" I say Niall rips his hand from mine and runs away screaming" ewwww cooties!"  I laugh holding my side and see Liam's face relax.

" We'll I should get back to my friends now." I said waving walking away.

" Wait!" Liam says from behind me.

" Why don't I walk with you back. You know so none of my friends try to beat you up." He said smiling.

" Thanks?" I said. Me and Liam walked in silence just looking at the ground. We were passing the utility room when I finally looked up. I was shocked at what I saw. I gasped making Liam look up and follow my gaze. There is what I saw. Troy making out with Shay.

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