Zayn 4

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I climbed into Zayn's care and shut the door. I looked around to see cigarette boxes scattered in the ground. There's was also alcohol bottles here and there and then my eyes landed on something. A gun. Why would Zayn have a gun in his car? I was snapped out of my train of thought by Zayn shutting his car door. I sat as stiff as a board and looked arm zany with wide eyes. I was scared. Why would Zayn need the gun is more of the question. Zayn saw me and looked confused.

" What's wrong love!" Zayn said touching my hand. I pulled my hand back.

" What is it?" He asked turning his body toward me. I grabbed the gun from the back seat and held it up. Zayn's face went pale.

" W-­why do you have a g­-gun." I asked shaking. Zayn took the gun and shuffled it under the seat. He took my hand in his.

" Baby I'm not gonna hurt you, it for........emergencies" he said.

" W-­what k­kinda e­mergency?" I shuddered out.

" When things go bad, let's not talk about it ok. Lets just to have a fun evening." He said smiling at me. I nodded and decided just to drop it. I trusted Zayn wasn't going to hurt me, but would I be in danger when I'm with him? I shrugged it off and Zayn took my hand. We started to pull out of the parking lot. We drove down the street in silence, not uncomfortable silence just silence. I didn't know what to say or think about the gun though. We started down the street to my house. I froze. My parents wouldn't, well shouldn't, be home, but my brother would. My brother Zack was one year older than me and super protective. He never approved of any boys hanging around me. But what would happen when he saw Zayn. We were a couple houses down from mine when I started to try and think of a plan. Before I knew it we were at my house. The car stopped. I saw my brothers car in the drive way. This should be good.

" I'll be right back." I said opening the door.

" Wait I'll walk you in." He said

" No! I mean I'll only be like a couple of seconds!" I said shutting the door and racing in the door. I shut the door and hoped I could make it to my room without being noticed by Zack. I started for the stairs when I thought I was alright. But I was wrong.

" Hey peanut!" Zack said from behind me. I froze and turned around slowly. Yeah Zack has called me peanut since I was 5 when I had to have peanut butt with everything.

" Hey!" I said backing towards the stairs.

" You going somewhere?" He asked

"Yeah I'm gonna just go out with a friend." I said backing up the stairs.

" Alright" he said. I darted up the stairs and grabbed the first outfit I saw in my closet. I threw it on and fixed my hair. I grabbed my phone off my night stand and ran down the stairs. I was at the bottom at the stairs when I heard Zack .

"Y/ N! Get your ass here right now!" He boomed.


" Yeah" I asked

" When were up you gonna tell me your "friend" was Zayn Mailk!" He yelled at me.

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