Chapter 23

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"(Y/N)! Save me!"

A wild Pikachu appeared besides her desk, he had scooted his chair close as they were seated pretty close to each other.

"What's wrong Denki?"

"Everything's wrong! I'm going to fail every exam!"

The boy went in full dramatic mode, letting his stress take over. He had been studying with Yaoyorozou and the others she had been tutoring but it just didn't work out for him like that either.

"Maybe you can join my study sessions with Bakugou?"

"Thanks man, but he'll just kill me for being stupid."

Kirishima's offer got declined and he simply put a sympathetic hand on his classmate's shoulder. Not really knowing how else to help and he exchanged glances with the girl in front of him while the blonde pouted.

"Okay first of all, Denki I want you to listen to me very carefully and nail these words into your brain."

He looked up from his sulking position, confusion visible in his eyes at her sudden seriousness. Even more surprised when she put a hand on his cheek, the warmest gesture he had gotten in a long time. It reminded him of when his mother would do that whenever he got hurt playing as a kid.

"You are by no means stupid. You got into U.A. for fucks sake, meaning you passed an exam many others failed. There's also a difference between intelligence and being school smart. You may not be school smart but you're definitely intelligent, trust me I've seen enough times that you proved that. I'm not school smart either, but I have found someone who helps me study and I'll introduce them to you as well. So stop calling yourself stupid and start working on your good aspects instead. You need to be more confident, you're one of the awesomest people I know so keep your head up okay Chargebolt? I believe in you!"

His eyes were the widest she had seen them ever be. She was getting worried as he didn't make any move and just stared at her instead, she was about to call his name but it got caught in her throat when Kaminari threw himself at her and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Thank you so much (Y/N), no one's ever said that to me ya know."

After she had consoled him some more, along with Kirishima's support, soon the other members of Baku-squad joined in to reassure their friend they simply liked teasing him about his stupidity but didn't really question his intelligence.

To help him study, she had invited him to join her study sessions with Shinsou and he couldn't say no to her pleading. The latter may have used his Quirk a few times to get the blonde to concentrate, just like he'd done with the girl before.


"Sup Hitoshi!"

"Hey Denki."

Another study session in the purple haired's favorite coffeeshop. Eventhough the other was loud and annoying at times, he'd gotten quite a liking to the new friend he had made and couldn't turn him down when he begged him for more help studying.

"(Y/N)'s quite late today, won't she be coming?"



When he looked up from his book to the one that called his name, realization hit him along with the sad eyes he saw. He'd forgotten that she didn't join them last time either. 

He'd forgotten that the seat behind him in class had been empty for the past two weeks. 

Just for a slight second he thought she would be walking up to their table with her coffee order. It was a bit colder today so she'd take a Cappuccino instead of Ice Coffee.


"Did you solve the question yet?"

Shinsou's heart ached when he heard her name. It'd been a while since he last heard it as everyone seemed to ignore the fact that she was still missing. Not that they'd forgotten. It just hurt. But everyone was thinking about her.

He unconsciously reached up to touch the scarf around his neck, remembering how they'd trained together so many times after school. How they even beat Aizawa together the last time. He didn't realize then that the hug she'd given him out of excitement would be the last one.

She was the first one to accept him with the Quirk he had and not be afraid of him. It was the opposite, she admired him and even gave him permission to use his Quirk on her whenever he wanted. She knew she wasn't all that good in putting her thoughts into words and she trusted him to never take advantage of it in a negative way.




After defeating him during training, Aizawa wanted to congratulate them with a home made meal. After eating the delicious things he had cooked for them as they washed up, Shinsou and her were now just chilling on the couch, not particularly doing anything just relaxing. Aizawa had excused himself as he had some correcting left to do in his study.

"Why did you insist on being friends?"

"Because you seemed like you'd be friend material."

He scoffed, he'd been an arrogant jerk when he made his first impression to the 1A class so there's no way that was possible.

"I'm telling you the truth, the confidence you had when you stood your ground against Bakugou, the genuineness behind your words. You kept fighting even when your Quirk didn't have an effect on me during our battle. The way you don't seem to give a fuck about others just made me want to break that wall and find your soft side. And now that my theory is confirmed that you really are a good friend, you can't get rid of me anymore."

She had a playful tone, but he knew she was being sincere and that would be the answer even if he had used his manipulation. By now he could read her like an open book, it wasn't that hard after discovering the truth about her. He had accidentally pulled out that information when she was under his Quirk and when he asked her what she meant she told him everything.

This was the only secret he kept from her, but somewhere there was a mutual understanding. As she didn't question when Shinsou understood her a bit too well. Or when he gave just the right kind of advice or help. But both knew that it was for the better if they didn't talk about it. Yet it also gave her a weird kind of reassurance that she didn't have to be that careful of her words around him or cover up lies.

"You've even upgraded from friend to best friend. I mean Aizawa should just adopt you too so you can become my brother."

"Did you just bro-zone me? And I do still have my actual parents you know?"

"Imagine how fun that would be though."

She whined, and he had to admit that he did enjoy the time they spend together and Aizawa had been more than welcoming and caring. He felt more at home at their house than anywhere. He knew their relationship was purely platonic but he'd never cared this much about someone.

"Hey (Y/N)."


"Do you like anyone?"

Once he got the answer, he wasn't surprised but he had hoped she would have said another name. She was under his manipulation so it was her most honest answer even if she didn't realize this yet. He asked her a few more questions before asking her to help him answer his own questions.

When he got her nod of consent he inched closer to her. She didn't move from her position on the couch and just looked into his eyes until they both slowly closed them and soon after felt their lips on each other.

Her lips felt soft against his and moved along to his lead as he poured his emotions into this soft and gentle kiss. Determined to loose them all once it was done because he knew his feeling would only trouble their relationship.

"Forget now."


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