Chapter 29

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---Bakugou's POV---

"God fucking damn it!"

He got up and threw away the broken drumstick and took a new one from his drawer. It had been the seventh one he'd have broken already by drumming too harshly while practicing for the U.A. Festival.

No matter how aggressive his personality was, he'd barely broken any drumsticks before. But knowing that it had been a month since her kidnapping and U.A. was having a festival instead of searching for her just made him rage.

The only reason why he'd agreed to join his class with this stupid performance was to fuck with the other students who were hating on them and because Kirishima said that she'd be eager to join if she could and would want Bakugou to do so too. He knew that was true as he'd experience that first hand.


"You play the drums?"

She asked when they entered his room after escaping his mother's claws. He was glad she was able to relax after flinching because of her yelling, something he noticed she did whenever there was a loud sound or sudden movement. She acted as if nothing happened though so he also decided to do so and ignore it, eventhough he made a mental note to be more careful with his voice range.

"Aren't we supposed to work on this stupid project?"

"Just one song and I promise to cooperate without any distractions!"

She pleaded and although he would have said no to anyone else, he couldn't do that to her, much to his own irritation. He scoffed under his breath and went over to his drum set, sitting down and thought of what song to play the instrumental of so he could drum along to it.

He knew numerous songs and knew how to play plenty of them. His hands moved automatically over his laptop though to play a certain song that had been stuck in his head because he had played it on repeat lately. No particular reason, not at all, nope, nada.

He started drumming and tried to ignore the girl that was watching in admiration besides him, looking away with a scoff when he suddenly felt hot. Never had he felt this stressful to put on a performance in front of someone, he didn't want to make any mistakes and successfully impress her.

He was happy he chose a song that was less known so there was no way she'd know the lyric. He was proven wrong though when her sweet voice entered his ears as she sang along. It made Bakugou almost drop his drumstick but he somehow managed to continue playing, though softer so he could hear her better.

Although he had been the one against it and was planning on playing the most minimal thing, he seemed unable to stop anymore because if he did, then so would she. He didn't want her to stop, he wanted to continue listening to her voice. The voice that tingled his brain and send shivers down his spine.

Being the number 1 Hero had been his priority, nothing else was important to him. Or so he thought before he found someone who was more worthy of that position. She was all he wanted now.

The way she spoke the lyric proved that she felt them deeper than just the surface. Too cowardly to go further into it and question the look in her eyes once they contacted his, he ignored the blush on her cheeks and the tension he was feeling in his chest.

The song soon came to an end and Bakugou put his drumsticks aside, needing to fidget with something. He was thankful when she complimented his playing and he did the same with her singing. While he proudly accepted the compliment, she modestly thanked him but waved it off as just average, which wasn't true at all in his opinion.

Without another word she went to sit down on the ground and took out her books needed for their school project as she had promised. Though that was what Bakugou had initially wanted, that wasn't the case anymore. He wanted to play more, hear her sing more, connect more.

But he again ignored the weird feelings that one would describe as butterflies and sat down opposite from her. A few hours later with old rock playing in the background, they finished and she left his house.

"Bye Blasty! See ya!"

Her voice echoed in his head and his heart jumped at the bright smile she send his way while waving. His feet were heavy while walking up the stairs and he ignored his mother's curious questions about his classmate as he was enough confused about his own.

A sigh left his lips as he pushed the play button on his recorder, hearing the instrumental first then his drum and finally her singing. He closed his eyes while listening to the recording of the song they had played before, just like he would record and listen to anything he played in order to spot and fix up mistakes. Yet this time he put it on his phone as he had a new song to put on repeat now.

"All I wanted was you."

His voice added a deeper harmony which complimented hers even more. Bakugou wasn't lead singer material but he did know how to sing somewhat or at least know how to sing the correct notes. His own breathy chuckle interrupted the melody he was creating.

"Fuck... I want you (Y/N)."


---Timeskip to the U.A. Festival---

Once he stood on stage with his classmates in front of him, he realized how badly he wanted her to stand at the front center behind the microphone. He wished she would be the one singing, that she would be the one he'd be looking at while drumming, just like that day in his room.

"Let's fucking go! Everyone at U.A. we'll knock you dead with our sound!"

An explosion left him before he could even think about it and he remembered to be careful and not break his drumsticks while drumming again. Besides him Kaminari, Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami started playing their instrument, others danced in front of the stage and Jirou greeted the crowd before singing.

His hands moved on their own, drumming away like a professional, thanks to his mother who forced him to take classes which he would never admit to be thankful for. Meanwhile his eyes scanned the crowd, trying to find the losers who were talking shit about his class before.

Instead of them, his eyes caught sight of a little girl that was poking up a little more from the crowd. Her hands were up in the air and the brightest smile was spread across her blushing face. It was because of surprise to see such a young child attend the concert that was only meant for students that his focus had been pulled towards her.

She was being held by someone Bakugou couldn't see because they were so short that the boys in front of them covered their body completely. It wasn't until Ururaka touched one of them and send him floating in the air that the short person became visible to his eyes.

He almost dropped his drumsticks when he saw who was holding up the little girl. There was no way he could be seeing it right though, his eyes must be playing tricks on him. He didn't even notice the performance had come to an end because he was so focused on the duo he couldn't see clarify enough to verify the identities of because the light was too dim to see their face clearly enough.

"Bakugou where are you going?"

Kaminari asked when the other blonde ran of stage when he noticed the people were leaving the arena. He ignored his call, not caring that he had to stick around and help with the cleanup. Instead he rushed out trying to search for the little girl he had seen in the crowd and confirm who had been the one holding her up.

"It's so sweet!"

His head snapped towards the small voice he heard exclaim in delight and watched the little girl as she happily munched on a candy apple. Her companion was facing her meaning their back was turned towards Bakugou so they didn't notice when he approached them.

They only turned around when the little girl reacted to the male's presence which had alarmed them. His heart which was beating like crazy was now the only thing he could hear. His throat got so dry that no sound came out when he opened his lips to say something. Their eyes met and all he could do was stare in disbelief.

"Hey Blasty, long time no see."

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