Chapter 43

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---Tartarus Prison---

She heard the lock of her prison door rummage before a small red feather flew through it and paused in mid air in front of her face. It then flew to unlock her from her restraints as well.

"Good job, Birdie."

She let her finger caress the feather before grabbing a hold of the lace that was wrapped around it and putting it around her neck.

After two months, the time had come for her to fulfill her part of the plan. The plan for which countless were working for in front but also behind the scenes.

A deep breath left her lips before she made her way towards the now unlocked door that had been her confinement for the past two months.

In the time it took the guard to notice the hand that grabbed his arm through the small opening of the door, he'd already been pulled against it with enough strength to knock him unconscious.

She then pulled his body inside of the room and proceeded to do the cliché clothes switch. No guards would expect a prisoner to escape as it had never happened before, yet her orange uniform would attract their attention nonetheless.

The clothes were slightly too big but with some adjustments she managed to look like a true prison guard. She locked the person she had robbed on his clothes inside, before making her way through the hallway.

Her adrenaline was higher than it had ever been. Other than usual, she had no idea how this would turn out but she hoped for the best. Her heartbeat was deafening in her ears and she was scared the guard would hear it too when she walked passed them.

She knocked a few more guards down once she arrived at the cell she was searching for and with One For All's strength it was easy to break down the door even without the key.

"My rescue is finally here."

The alarm was screaming now, informing everyone about the breach in security. This would mean she had two minutes max before new guards would be there.

His deep voice was still audible enough to send a shiver down her spine and his smirk made her stomach twist.

"You're mistaken, All For One."

She made her way over to him and placed her fingers which were pointed like a gun against his forehead.

"I see, is this the moment where I have to say my last words?"

Whatever that was left of his face to make facial expressions with, didn't change. Eventhough he didn't have eyes, it felt as if they were piercing into her soul. A feeling of nausea washed over her and she had to fight against the impulse to run as far away from him as possible.

"No matter what you will be doing it is all because I planned it like that. You think you are saving everyone but instead, you will be the one killing them. That is why I created you. You are mine."

One For All rushed through her like it had never done before. As if it had been storing itself for the past two month and was now at its full capacity. The power shot through her fingers, piercing the man at the receiving end and only stopped when hitting the wall behind him too.

"Put your hands in the air and move away from the body! This is an order! Surrender!"

The guards had their guns pointed at the girl's back. Slowly she raised her hands and the blood of the man she had just killed that was spilling on the ground splashed when her feet moved so she could turn around to face them.

Before they could even do something to contain her again or even shoot she had her hands forward and send out an explosion big enough to blast them backwards, knocking them against the wall behind them.

"Damn Blasty, this shit hurts."

Her arms ached just like when she overused One For All on her punches. Though without wasting a second on it, she was already running towards the wall she had pierced before and used Hardening to fully break through it.

Although it felt as if she had been the one bulldozed instead of the wall she continued running using One For All for ultimate speed. Guards were already on her tail and trying to catch up to her.

The whole division of the prison had been caught up on the situation and back up was send to capture her. Causing her to use more explosions to get through the guards that appeared in front of her as she could not afford losing time on hand to hand combat.

She ran and ran until she found her way to the outside, leaving a trail of guards behind her. The gushing of the sea surrounding the prison replaced the sound of the alarm as she stood on one of the surrounding walls on which guards would surveillance on.

"(Y/N)! Stop!"

She was standing on the edge when a familiar voice called out to her and she turned around to face her teacher that was erasing her Quirk, making it impossible for her to use Nana's power and fly away.

"Didn't expect to see you today,... Dad."

She tried to sound as unbothered as possible, trying to hide her panic and worry that her escape plan had been cut off.

Aizawa's eyes were focused on her and she could see the way he tried to keep his face as stoic as possible. Since the truth had come out, he hadn't shown her any type of emotion which made it very difficult for her to guess what was on his mind.

"Why did you do it? Why did you kill All For One?"

His voice was stern but she wondered if she heard the slight tone of sadness in his voice or if she had just imagined it.

"I simply eliminated my competition."

There was no way she could win in hand to hand combat as she'd be immediately outnumbered, guards were cornering her already. Surrendering was her only option now. Yet she wasn't planning on giving up that easily.


Her bored expression now changed into an amused one as she chuckled. Disgust broke the stoic Aizawa, wondering what had happened to the sweet and kind daughter he had known before.

"I'm the number one Villain now."

His eyes widened, never expecting those words to come out of the girls mouth. Before he could do or say anything else he was watching how she saluted with her hand and let herself fall backwards, into the gushing waves underneath her.


Aizawa was the first one to move forward in attempt to catch her but he was too late. Her body was already consumed by the dark shadows of the night and out of their sight.

That was until a red color swiftly passed their vision and pulled their attention upwards where they were met with the girl's mischievous eyes once again.

"Thanks for the save, Hawks."

She smiled at the winged Pro-Hero holding her bridal style while flying away from the prison, leaving everyone behind in astonishment. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she was relieved to be with someone she trusted again.

"Ah this brings back memories, Kid."

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