3: Enchanted

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Tengen has been acting strange as of late.

For Suma, Hinatsuru, and Makio, they could obviously see that something bizarre was going on with him, and it was starting to make them worry about their husband.

At first, they didn't think much of it, since they assumed he was just being his same old flamboyant self. But Tengen hadn't said anything to them since he'd come home the other night, which was so unlike him. His absence of words spoke volumes, a stark departure from his usual chatty demeanor that filled the house with laughter and banter.

And aside from that, the three women had even noticed how dazed and consenting he seemed. It's almost as if Tengen was spellbound by something. It was as if he was in a trance, completely lost in his thoughts and unaware of his surroundings. The women exchanged puzzled glances, wondering what could have captivated their husband so completely.

"I've been noticing Tengen has been acting weird." Suma said, furrowing her brows in concern.

She, along with Makio and Hinatsuru, sat around the coffee table, sipping their tea as they delved deeper into the topic of their husband's unusual behavior.

"I wonder what could be bothering him," she mused, her eyes reflecting a mix of worry and curiosity.

As of late, they have been seeing Tengen doing some reading, which was something they'd rarely ever seen him do?

Tengen's reading material consists of intricate map layouts depicting what appears to be Yoshiwara, along with captivating images of Oirans and Geishas. His intense focus on these materials is accompanied by a distinct look of infatuation in his eyes.

Yeah, there was definitely something going on with their husband, and Suma just couldn't shake the feeling.

"He's seemed so happy as if on cloud-nine... Y-you don't think he's seeing someone else, do you?" She asked her co-wives.

"Don't be silly. Tengen is probably thinking about updating his wardrobe or something. I mean, why else would he be researching things like colorful kimonos and combs?" Makio asked.

"Eh? But they were all about geishas and courtesans!"

"Well, maybe he's thinking we should dress more flamboyantly?" Makio assumed while looking herself over. "Our clothes probably needs more flair."

"Hmm, perhaps," Hinatsuru said thoughtfully. "But I'm pretty sure there's nothing to worry about and that there's a logical explanation as to why Tengen is acting the way he is." She said, her voice steady and reassuring.

"Besides, we should trust our husband. It's not Tengen's style to keep things from us, so if something is bothering him, he'd tell us." She adds.

Both Suma and Makio couldn't help but agree with their co-wife as they nodded.

True, for as long as they'd known Tengen (and have been married to him), he's never lied to or kept anything hidden from them. Plus, Tengen promised that their marriage would be about honesty, love, and communication. This unwavering dedication to truth and openness in their relationship has created a deep sense of security and connection between them, fostering a bond that only grows stronger with each passing day. They know that they can always rely on each other to be honest, understanding, and supportive no matter what obstacles they may face.

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