32: The Man Within

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Momentarily, Tengen breathes softly, "I'm s-sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me? I just.." He trailed off, not entirely knowing what else to say?

At this, Inomi smirks, "wow, you really do got it bad for this girl, huh?"

"Fuck, you have no idea." He chuckles. "And can't you believe this my first time falling for someone."

"Eh? But you have three gorgeous wives, dude! You guys been together since you were like fifteen." Inomi scolded.

"No, I didn't mean it like that!" He scratched his cheek nervously, "I meant it as in, I'm not being forced into a correlation by my clan." He explains.


"Yeah, all I've ever did my whole life was undergo abusive and treacherous training. So, I never had the time or day to actually think about things such as companionship and love. When I'd first met Suma and then later Makio and Hinatsuru, my relationship with them sort of started off platonic and didn't become romantic until after we'd left the Uzui clan and the village." He explains.

"After months of spending everyday training together and eventually joining the Demon Slayer Corps, that's when the four of us grew closer and became inseparable."

There was a brief moment of silence and Tengen had felt Inomi place a comforting hand onto his bicep as he sighs softly.

"...Suma, Hina, and Makio are the greatest things to ever happen to me since....ever and I....." his words trailed off as his vivid purplish red eyes glanced longingly at the tatami matted floor.

Tengen stares as if contemplating on what to say next? However, Inomi already knew what it is he was about say, yet the young seamstress knew very well that Tengen wasn't use to saying that word out loud. Nevertheless, she wanted him to say it and get it off his chest.

"You what, Tengen? C'mon big guy, spit it out! You can do it!" She pat his back, encouraging him to be honest with himself and confess.

Tengen laughs softly at Inomi's optimism, before coming out with it.

"And I love them." He finally says.

"Atta-boi! I knew you could say it!" Inomi says happily, before playfully punching his arm.

Her antics causes the Sound Pillar to completely lose it as he couldn't help but laugh full heartedly. Although, Tengen never knew what it was like to have a little sister, due to his bloody and dark past, and disconnection with his only surviving younger brother.

However, Inomi had become the closest thing akin to a true sibling and he considered her family.

"Awww, Tengen♡!"

Both Tengen and Inomi glanced to see Suma, Makio, and Hinatsuru peeking through the door.

"Suma, you idiot!" Growls Makio as she comically whacked her co-wife on the head for blowing their cover.

Obviously, the three had been eavesdropping on Inomi and their husband's conversation. Initially, the three hadn't meant to eavesdrop, since Tengen gestured them to leave so he and Inomi could speak in private. However, upon faintly hearing Tengen speak about (Name), curiosity got the better of them.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [魅美] |Tengen Uzui x Kejōrō!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now