25: New Found Confidence

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Warm honey-coated light slipped through the beige curtains hanging in front of the window, painting the dark room a soft golden glow and swathing the four figures that laid in bed, in its heated, golden glow.

A tell-tale sign that it's indeed bright and sunny out, and probably high noon.

The feeling is gentle, enveloping the four bodies in its loving warmth, but that doesn't deter Tengen from squinting his eyes as the imprint of sunlight seared across his face.

Surprisingly, Tengen hadn't slept at all since he'd came home that late morning.

After leaving Yoshiwara and arriving home, the Sound Hashira was greeted by Suma, Hina, and Makio, who all wanted to know his night went and how did (Name) reacted about him being married and having three wives?

The conversation lasted for hours as Tengen told his wives everything from the confession, to the kiss and even... the booty groping (which got him scold by a fuming Makio for being a egotistical lascivious pervert).

Nonetheless, the three women had been ecstatic when he had eventually explained to them that (Name) had agreed to let him court her and were even more excited to soon have another one be apart of their polygamous relationship. However, Tengen didn't want to rush things as he had explained that (Name) first needed some time to think things through, which they'd understood completely.

Tengen stayed awake that morning, though he was aware it's not beneficial to his health. He really should be getting some rest, in case he would be summoned by the Demon Slayer Corps or be assigned on a mission.

But, his heart was still beating so fast as if high on sugar, that he was sure it was about to pop out of his chest and shoot right out into the morning sky, and find it's way back to a certain little maid, who has his affections.

Luckily, his heart needn't commit to such a drastic act, for he'd just spent hours of doing the deed with his wives, who all now lay cuddled next to him; both Suma and Makio to his left, and Hina on his right, all still nude but sound asleep.

Even a full round of heated passion couldn't stop Tengen from thinking about his lovely (Name) and what she's doing right now, since he'd left the Guren.

He simply could not wait to return to her and spend hourly nights with her again as he turned his head and glance towards the empty space behind Hina, imagining (Name) laying there.

Indeed, the low king size they slept in was big enough to hold five people and thoughts of waking up next to you every day planted a smile on his face.

You deserved to be in this bed next to him and his wives, and not at some dirty old brothel that was slowly draining you of your joy and self-esteem. Clearly, that toad of a woman, Lady Yamamoto valued you none whatsoever and Tengen knew that you were probably miserable as we speak?

Probably sacrificing your sleep just to stay up and do back-breaking chores until everything's neat and tidy for yet another endless night of false passion, lust, and sin. For Tengen, he obviously knew the Guren would be nothing if it weren't for you and bet you didn't get any appreciation for your hard work and efforts?

Tengen couldn't help but grit his teeth, fuck..you deserve better! If only there was some way he could show you?

Suddenly, an idea popped into Tengen's head as he quickly sat up, causing the three naked women beside him to stir and groan at the immediate loss of warmth as he crawled out of bed─via the foot of the bed.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [魅美] |Tengen Uzui x Kejōrō!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now