8: Returned Treasure

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Tengen chuckled at your awestruck reaction, looking exceedingly pleased, as he gently cupped your chin, tilting your face upward to glanced at him.

He was so tall that your head only leveled with his chest as you flinched at his close proximity. Your face heated─taking note of how beautiful the color of his eyes are. From afar, they appeared red, but up close they were a pretty fuscia pink color.

What was even more so, was he smelled nice─like potpourri and exotic spices. It was more like some sort of perfume a woman would occasionally wear, that it kinda of made you wonder did he use feminine products...or perhaps he had a gir─

"Oh wow, your ass is really soft."

You yelped feeling his hand grope and massage your butt through the thin fabric of your kimono, before giving it nice firm smack. The sound echoed throughout the ruin and the impact sent a slight tingling sensation through your body.

His sudden action immediately snapping you back to reality as you placed both your hands against his chest and pushed him away from you.

Tengen staggered a bit only to then flinch when you begin throwing rocks and dirt at him.

"Kya! You...you pervert!" You squealed out in embarrassment, face blushing red as you continue your assault.

In sheer honesty, you were actually embarrassed due to how strange it felt. Never had a man touch you like that─it sent a weird sensation to your brain.

It felt almost pleasurable even.

"Hey, hey, easy, I-I'm sorry─I just couldn't resist, haha." He chuckles, whilst shielding himself with his arms and hands.

You stopped, blushing profusely─the nerve of this guy!

"You've got some nerve! Y-you're lucky I don't sue you for sexual harassment." You added shyly.

"Oh, so you liked that, then?" He teased.

"N-no I didn't!" You exclaimed, hiding your face behind your hair.

Oh, you most certainly did, Tengen muses. Finding it cute the way you tried to deny it. You were shy just like Maiko─refusing to admit that you indeed enjoy the feeling of him  touching your rear end.

"J-just go away and leave me alone, please." You murmured softly.

At that, Tengen (deciding it was time to stop teasing) slowly came up to you. You gasped, feeling him place a gentle hand onto your head─in a comforting gesture.

"Sorry, I got a bit carried away. Please forgive me." He says, his voice soft and honest─and not at all boisterous like it was just minutes ago.

 You were surprised at how suddenly gentle he was, as if he doesn't want to make you feel any more uncomfortable than you are, but you could be mistaken, right?

You sighed softly, feeling him caress his fingers through your (h/c) hair. Blunt nails massaged the smooth skin of your scalp in soothing gesture.

A part of you wanted to stay mad at him for touching you inappropriately, but it felt really nice. And if you were a cat, you'd definitely be purring right now.

"I...It's okay...I forgive you." You tell him shyly.

You heard him hum softly─obviously pleased as he continued to soothe you. For Tengen, he marveled how adorable you looked as he gently raked his fingers through your hair. It felt like silk with a few tiny knots.

“Your hair's really soft, which reminds me. The real reason why I wanted to see you again, is because I wanted to give something back to you.” He says, making you glanced up at him.

Pulling away from him, you watched him reached into his pants pocket and your eyes couldn't help but widen as he pulled out a small red comb.

Not just any red comb, but your red comb! The red comb with the silver embroidery which you thought you'd lost forever. A treasure given to you by your mother which you kept as a memoir.

"My comb?! Y-you've found my comb!" You say, surprised.

"Yeah, you accidentally dropped it last night," Tengen explained, "I tried to stop you, but you had already left. So I figured I return it to y─"

Tengen didn't get a chance to finish as he felt you wrapped your arms around his neck─embracing him.

Tengen's breath hitches momentarily in his throat as he find pink beginning to sprawl along his features. 

"Thank you, thank you, ever so much for returning it to me!" You say excitedly.

So he was right about the comb being important to you as Tengen couldn't help but smile before returning the hug─his strong arms wrapping around your waist.

"You're welcome, I figured it meant a lot to you. Besides, it wouldn't be gentlemanly of me to keep such a prize possession." He says.

After pulling away from another, he handed the comb to you as you smiled happily. You couldn't express the amount of joy you felt right now. All your insecurities attempted to tell him that he really didn't have to go through all the trouble just return something as simple as a hair comb back to you. But you sucked in a deep breath to quell that away.

"Thanks Uzui, you don't know how much this means to me? How ever could I repay you?" You asks.

Go out with me. The words were on the tip of his tongue but Tengen swallowed them as he shook his head.

"There's no need, just seeing you smile is more than enough." He tells you, making you blush.

Rocking a tad bit on the balls of your feet, you decided it would best to reward him for his trouble anyway. It might not be much, but it was the least you could do for him.

Tengen was indeed a beautiful man, so you figure he deserves the best as you reached into your kimono and pulled out a card.

"Then allow me to repay you. Here, take this!"

Tengen's brows furrowed on question as he gently took the card from you.

"What's this?" He asked.

"It's an invitation to the Guren!" You tell him.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [魅美] |Tengen Uzui x Kejōrō!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now