17: The Milk Man

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Once inside, Tengen was led inside a brightly lit room with several tables and colorful paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling.

"Lady Yamamoto will see you now." The attendant says, and Tengen thanked her as she closed the shoji.

He then turned to see a large middle age woman in her 60s, sitting in a chair. She was dressed in a black kimono and her wrinkled face was caked heavily in white makeup. Her brown/black hair styled in a tall tate-hyojo and her lips painted a bright crimson, and she wore smokey blue eyeshadow.

Tengen couldn't help but smile wolfishly at her. So, this is Lady Yamamoto Chiyo whom Inomi and Ichiki had warned him about? And holy cow, what a woman she was as she gave him a cunning smirk.

'Make no mistake, that place will suck you dry if you're not careful. I don't know how true the rumors are, but Lady Yamamoto is said to be a very cunning and greedy woman. She'll ask you questions that you must answer thoroughly without a hitch! Or else, you may as well kiss your future wife goodbye.' He remembered the words Inomi told him.

"Welcome, come on in and have seat." She tells him.

Tengen politely did as told, taking a seat in front of her.

"I was told you would like to purchase one of my girls for tonight... Correct?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am." He nods.

"Good. But before we get started, would you care for drink?" She asks just as waitress passed him a small menu with a list of various drinks and sake.

It was obviously she's testing to see just how "wealthy" he is as Tengen scanned the menu. He decided to go for something not too strong and non-alcholic, for he didn't want to get drunk and screw up his chances with (Name), despite having a high alcohol tolerance.

He decided to settle for something sweet instead.

"I'll have the Amazake." He says.

Amazake, either you don't imbibe or are too young to drink, amazake ("sweet sake") is the way to go and it's non-alcoholic.

"Hmm, both handsome and has a sweet tongue. I like those odds. Very well, Amazake it is!" She says, and the waitress nodded, before leaving to go fetch their drinks.

While they waited, it's at this moment Lady Yamamoto decided to passed the time by asking her new customer a few questions.

"So tell me boy, what's your name? I'm familiar with a lot of faces here in the red light district, but I haven't seen you around here before?" She asks.

"Uzui Tengen." He answered truthfully.

"Hoho, a fitting name for such a strong young man," Lady Yamamoto commented. "Well, young Uzui-san, are you rich?"

Tengen couldn't help but give a smirk, "I am. Why you ask?"

"Just curious." She replied coolly.

"Do you always bombard your customers with a lot of questions?" Tengen cocks his head to the side, his tone playful as Lady Yamamoto chuckles.

"My boy, you must understand that we like to do things differently here at the Guren. You see, I've had a lot customers in the past claiming to be someone that they're not. I've also had a few runaway deadbeats who refused to pay what they've owe, simply because they didn't have enough money! Which is why I like to ask questions and take the time to know my customers before giving them what they want." She explains.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [魅美] |Tengen Uzui x Kejōrō!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now