18: Game Show

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Lady Yamamoto's jaw dropped as soon as that name left his mouth. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It seemed utterly preposterous to her that out of all the beautiful and earnest ladies present at the Guren, he would choose (Name).

Was he serious?

"You're kidding? You want HER?!" The large woman scoffs.

Tengen nods, "Yes."

Lady Yamamoto felt her heart pounding in her chest as she nervously. "With all due respect, Sir Uzui," she began, her voice shaking slightly, "but please consider your answer carefully before making a decision."

Tengen raised an eyebrow at her, his expression questioning. "Why is that?" he asked, his tone curious. "I thought you said I could pick any woman I desired?"

Lady Yamamoto's anxiety grew as she stammered, trying to find the right words to come up with some sort of excuse.

"T-true, but I'm afraid (Name) is ineligible. Why, she's just a simple maid," she tells him. "(Name) incapable of entertaining anyone, let alone a mere fly. She's not suitable for someone of your stature. Please, reconsider your decision."

The way she spoke about (Name) had anger coursing through Tengen's blood as his bit the inside of his cheek. As he clenched his fists, he felt a surge of protectiveness towards (Name) and a strong urge to defend her honor.

His eyes bore into hers. "Lady Yamamoto, I understand your concern. However, my decision is final. I want (Name) to be my courtesan." He said, voice calm yet firm.

"I'm aware she's not of the same social status as the others, but that does not diminish her worth in my eyes." Tengen's expression remained unchanged.

Lady Yamamoto's heart sank as she realized that her words had fallen on deaf ears. However, she wasn't about to give in to his request that easily. She couldn't risk any more mishaps; Tengen would surely be displeased and would probably demand a refund. She refused to let that little lowlife maid mess things up again, and she was going to persuade Tengen one way or another.

"M-may I suggest you purchase a Geisha or Oiran?" She adds.

Tengen only shook his head, "no thanks, I only want (Name)," he clarifies.

The large woman irritatingly bit her bottom lip. Just why was he so keen on purchasing (Name)? It was strange he didn't seemed at all creeped out by the girl's freakish long hair.

"Mr. Uzui, please, you could still be able to receive services from (Name) if you purchase a Geisha."

At this point, Tengen's patience was starting to wear thin as he was starting to grow increasingly irritated by Lady Yamamoto's incessant insistence on him buying a Geisha. He had made it clear numerous times that he was not interested in acquiring the services of a Geisha, yet she continued to push the idea.

He was annoyed that his preferences were not being respected. He took a deep breath, trying to remain composed in the face of Lady Yamamoto's persistence.

Eventually, Tengen released a sigh; it was clear to him that she wasn't going to comply and give him what he truly desired. It was obviously she didn't want him choosing (Name), so remembering what Inomi and Ichiki had told him, he decided to make a deal.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [魅美] |Tengen Uzui x Kejōrō!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now