11: Razzle Dazzle

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Inomi was speechless as she continued to stare at Tengen.

"Y-your fourth wife?" She questions.

Tengen didn't say anything for a moment, mindlessly fiddling with the golden bracelets around his wrists.

"You can't be serious?"

"..." Fuscia eyes glanced at her─a stare that told Inomi that he was indeed serious.

"Oh my God.. you are serious."

"I wasn't so sure myself," he finally replies, "at first, I didn't think much about it. But the more I kept thinking about her, the more I became infatuated." He explained.

He'd only assumed it was sexual attraction, but had came with to a rather startling realisation that perhaps his feelings for (Name) were a lot stronger than he thought. He was a little annoyed at how cliché it felt; the whole realising he may care for her more than he thought just because he found her beautiful.

But it was more than just looks.

There is something else and Tengen knew that for a fact.

"So.. what're saying is... you're in love with her?" Inomi asked, snapping him from his trance.

Tengen breathes a sigh; as much as he wanted to, he couldn't ignore that simply catching sight of (Name) had brought on a sudden warmth that made his heart race. He knows he could no longer deny or avoid it anymore. (Name) bestowed his heart and he was determined to woo her into becoming his fourth.

"Honestly...yes I am in love. I've met and became smitten by an enchanted beauty who I'm determined to make my lovely wife!" He says proudly.

"She'll make a wonderful addition to my precious jewels; my lovely sapphire Suma, my wild imperial topaz Makio, and my beautiful amethyst Hinatsuru. She's a diamond just waiting for me to come polish her and make her shine!" He adds.

"Wow, I had no idea you compared your wives to gemstones," Inomi rolled her eyes, "so what gem are you?" She asked.

"Tourmaline, of course! It's the most colorful of all gemstones which makes it flamboyant. Plus, it's my birthstone." He explains.

Inomi rolled her eyes for the tenth time, before waving the invitation in her hand, "well, speaking of gemstones. I hate to break it to you, but the chances of you getting your fourth wife are very slim."

"Huh, what'd you mean?" Tengen cocks his head in question.

"This. I had several clients who received these exact invitations from beautiful girls wearing elegant kanzashi of golds and slivers. Apparently, the brothel your future wife works at is very expensive." Inomi says.

"And?" Tengen shrugged, "all brothels in the red light districts are expensive."

"True, but the Guren is unbelievably expensive. Usually, people would roughly spend up to 40,000¥ for a courtesan every month at any brothel in Yoshiwara. According to my customers, the Guren isn't your ordinary brothel."

"I know. I was told it's also a massage parlor." Tengen replied, recalling (Name) telling him that.

Inomi nobs, "Yes, and in order for you to become a customer, you'll have to be extremely wealthy in order to impress the matriarch." Inomi explained.

Tengen quirks a brow at that, "what the hell? The matriarch?" He questions.

"The so-called matriarch goes by the name of Lady Chiyo Yamamoto!" Said Ichiki as he entered the room with a tray of tea and cookies.

"She's the head and owner of the Guren. The girls that work for her all came from poor families, whilst some were either homeless or foreign." The feminine man explains, sitting the tray down.

"According to records, during the Edo period, the Guren was once a ryoken (hotel) until it was destroyed by a fire. A decade later, it was brought by Mr. Dotsu Yamamoto, and was built into a bathhouse. Dotsu later married his second wife, Chiyo who took over soon after he died and the bathhouse was rebuilt into a brothel." Ichiki says.

"That's sus." Tengen commented.

"If you're still willing to go through with this, you need to have the money, Tenny-honey. You got to have the money. You can't forget the money." Ichiki says.

It was Tengen's turn to roll his eyes, "alright, alright, I get it! I got to be a rich man. Don't worry Ichiki, I think I can manage."

"Ichiki's right, Tengen. Make no mistake, that place will suck you dry if you're not careful. I don't know how true the rumors are, but Lady Yamamoto is said to be a very cunning and greedy woman. She'll ask you questions that you must answer thoroughly without a hitch! Or else, you may as well kiss your future wife goodbye." Inomi says.

"Yeah, and try not to indulge too much! Use your time wisely, because if you accidentally over-stay your welcome, you'll whined up paying much extra." Ichiki adds.

"So, if you're only going there to see your girlfriend, then don't let temptation distract you from doing just that! Ain't know telling what goes on behind those close doors."

Tengen nodded, processing all what Inomi and Ichiki were telling him. From what he could understand, the Guren sounded like a place of trouble and higher expectations.

"Alright, I'll try not to let my guard down." The Sound Hashira sighs, before standing and turned his attention back towards Inomi.

"Anyways, if I have to be wealthy, then I have to look wealthy, right?" He smirks.

Inomi immediately got the hint as she gave a defeated sigh, before reaching for her sketchbook and pencil.

"Fine, tell me what you want and I'll get to designing? But no rhinestones or anything too complicated." She glares.

"Ugh, c'mon Inomi.. Why can't you let me be flashy? I'm like a peacock and I want to use all of this to attract a mate." He complained.

He seemed so proud the moment he mentions his flashy appearance.

"Because you'll scare her away with all that "flashiness." You're already decked out in rhinestones and jewelry, with the looks to match. Some people would call it overkill, but you!" The young tailor chuckles.

"I can never have enough!" He pouted like a child.

"Yes you can. Besides, I'm the best in Asakusa. I know your style better than anyone." Inomi boasted.

"She's right, Tenny-honey. You shouldn't underestimate Inomi-chan's talent." Ichiki intervenes, "she knows a thing or two about flamboyance and quality, and making sure our clients are happy." The dress-maker smirks.

Inomi nodded with a smile as she continued to sketch a yukata over a male body base that matched Tengen's body measurements, "just leave everything to me. I'll make sure you'll look your best for your Cinderella." She says.

"So don't worry... you're going to be one dazzling peacock."

Tengen couldn't help but grin at that, no doubt he was excited to see what'd his favorite tailor come up with.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [魅美] |Tengen Uzui x Kejōrō!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now