4: Once Upon a Time in Yoshiwara

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It was 11:00 a.m. in the morning as you tiredly walked down the empty corridors of the Guren. You couldn't help but feel a sense of exhaustion creeping in as the familiar sights and sounds of the brothel were a stark contrast to the bustling activity that usually filled the halls during the night.

"Hey parasite!"

You nearly jumped at the booming sound of Sayomei's voice. She had a way of making her presence known, no matter where she was. It was both terrifying and (sometimes) exhilarating to be around her.

"Y-yes Sayomei?"

"Are you getting ready to head out?" She asked you, her voice filled with a hint of urgency.

"Y-yes," you replied, slightly taken aback by her sudden request.

"Great. I need you to stop at Mrs. Tachigawa's bakery and get me a melonpan," she said with a small smile. "As much as I don't want to, I'm giving you 500 yen to buy it." She adds and handed you the copper coin with 500¥ embedded into it.

"And hurry back! You know I hate waiting," she scowled at you.

You gulped, "y-yes Sayomei." You said. It was clear that she meant business, and you knew better than to disappoint her.

"If they don't have any,  bring me back my change."

"Yes Sayomei." You nodded before continuing on your way towards Lady Yamamoto's room.

The soft murmur of voices and the gentle rustling of silk filled the air as you passed by several girls already up and about, their laughter and banter creating a clamorous background noise amidst the bordello.

"Good morning, Lady Yamamoto." You said upon entering the bedroom, spotting the large woman sitting in front of her mirror.

She had curlers in hair, implying she had just woken up and was preparing for today.

"(Name), good you're up early! Have you finished cleaning the rooms?" She asks.

"Y-yes ma'am." You said tiredly.

You were beyond tired since you didn't get much sleep last night, cause you had to do chores. The long hours spent scrubbing floors and making beds had taken a toll on your energy levels, leaving you feeling drained and weary. Despite your fatigue, you pushed through, determined to complete the tasks assigned to you with diligence and dedication.

"Good. If you're getting ready to head out into town, I want you to pick up a bottle of champagne and DON'T SCREW THIS UP LIKE YOU DID WITH MY WINE!" She hissed.

"Yes, ma'am, I want. I promise." You shuddered.

"You'd better...well, get going!" She ordered, and you were dismissed.


The sounds of cicadas were humming loudly periodically. Today's a warm and sunny day─a perfect day for a stroll. The gentle rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds added to the peaceful ambiance of the day. As you walked down the street, a calm breeze blew through several blossoming cherry trees, as pink petals and leaves scattered across Yoshiwara's main street.

Demon Slayer: Yσƙαι Wιϝҽ [魅美] |Tengen Uzui x Kejōrō!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now