chapter 10: Just Barely

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I stared at Axel blankly, then turned away looking out the window. Monster lover? I mean... I didn't love him... Did I? Lover... I could feel my face heating up as images flashed through my mind. Oh god...

I heard Riddick chuckle, but when I turned to him he had a stern look. I raised a brow... I glanced at where his wound was.. did I really need to not worry about that?

Axel whistled at me, " come on girl."

My head snapped in his direction and I glared at him this time. I didn't like that... I bit my lip... I wanted to throw something at him. I grabbed the closest thing to me and tossed it in my hand glaring at him.

He looked amused... " Poor little -"

I reeled back and threw it, hitting him directly in the face. He gasped falling backwards onto the floor, his nose busting out with blood. I didn't change the look on my face... But I was satisfied.

Axel cries out in pain, "you broke my fucken nose!!" He yelled looking at me like I was insane.

I rolled my eyes looking away. I felt the ship shake again and grabbed onto the pole next to me for dear life.

Riddick chuckled again, " relax.." He said it in a deep amused voice. He put his hand on the head of a seat next to where he was standing.
" Why don't you take a seat before I have to kill Axel." He said it glancing back at the crying bleeding man.

I nodded and rushed over to him and slid into the seat. I glanced at the straps and harness... That looks complicated... Before I could reach for it Riddicks arms went around me and were clipping it together.

My face heated up but I stayed silent as he was quicker then I could have been. I folded my arms on my lap and crossed my legs.

I watched him return to the main set in the reflection of the windshield. He buckled up himself as he pressed something. The lights dimmed significantly and the dash lit up.

I stared in awe at it, the moment set in. I'd never actually been on a spaceship, well I don't count when I was kidnapped or crashing.

He glanced at me, " you look like a kid in a candy store." Turning back to the controls pushing the steering forward we moved forward and shot through space.

My body went back against the seat and I smiled, this was so cool! "This is awesome!" I blurted out.

He looked at me confused a little, " what?"

Axel sighed. "How many times have you been on a ship?" He sounded like a normal person for once.

I glanced back at him, "well I mean awake? This is the first time ever... I feel like I'm in a Star Wars movie." I said it looking around. "It's so real..." I added looking at all the metal walls.

Riddick looked at me, "your planet seems very..." He stopped short, unsure what to say or maybe he was sure but didn't want to upset me.

Axel finished for him, "it's shit that's what it is. Did you know that our planet is part of a program? We are so underdeveloped that our planets are on a watch list. No outside interference. What a load of bull.." He grumbled still holding his nose.

I was silent staring out the window watching stars shoot by.

"Yet here you two are doing a shit job like always." Riddick said, glancing at me. "Do you want to return for the others?" He asked it so nonchalantly.

My head snapped to him wide eyed. What kind of question was that!? "Of course!" I said it, biting back most of my rage. I couldn't be too angry, it was an honest real question. There was too much we went through to leave them.

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