chapter 5: gathering

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I felt something warm brush against my face. I groaned, turning over in my sleep. I cuddled into the cooling warmth.

I heard a deep low rumble and I opened my eyes slowly. Had I fallen asleep on the couch? No... I blinked trying to remember... How stupid for me to think that after being here that long..

I was lying down, " oh..." I stretched. I must have fallen asleep. I relaxed for a moment looking around the area riddick was gone?

I laid there and realized I wasn't actually laying down... And I looked up.... Riddick was reading a book? I was pretty much curled up on his lap laying on his chest.

He looked down from the book, " you've been sleeping for a long while." He said it going back to reading.

I looked at the face got beet red. "Hey!" I went to grab the journal. He moved it out of my reach. " What's mine!!" I yelled.

He got up, knocking me off his lap. I scrambled to my feet. He looked amused, " hmmm... I was getting to the good parts." He growled roughly.

I ignored him jumping up to grab it from his hand. He moved and he folded it in half, shoving it into the front of his pants.(just in the band to keep it there) he pulled his shirt over it. He goes into a fighting stance.

A normal person would have gotten scared. But for some reason my brain just couldn't fear riddick. I had one focus: get my journal... How much had he read? Somewhere in my mind it recognized that riddicks stance was that of a hunter, a predator.

I jumped at him not caring I ducked when he went to grab me. Then sprung up tackling him as I kicked his legs. On a normal person it might have worked perfectly.

With me and him... Not so much it was me kicking his legs and it feeling like I kicked a brick. I cried out in pain and jumped around on one foot. I yelled frustrated and ran at him and he amusingly swung at me.

I grabbed his arm pulling with all my might causing him to pull forward. I turned my back to him, pulling him still. I felt his weight but used it and swung him over my body slamming him into the ground.

It was the only defense move I knew. The only one I had taught myself back on earth. This was the fourth time I've ever had to use it.

His body hit the floor which was too fragile, it smashed apart. He went through with me. I gasped as the bones shattered at the bottom. He hit the ground with a loud thud and a grunt. I landed on him, getting the air knocked out of me.

I groaned but reacted fast as Riddick started to gain control of his body. I pulled his shirt up grabbing my journal. I jumped up and got a few feet away from him before he got up. I shoved the journal into the back of my pants. I moved when he moved.... He was getting in that stance again...

I swallowed...

Okay... I glanced around while we did a little turning around. Okay do I need to run for my life... I couldn't help but fight a smile and I ran toward him. He tried to get ready but I jumped up grabbing onto a slender bone swinging swiftly over him. I landed on a roll but started running away.

I heard him let out a booming laugh as I got about ten feet away. Then I heard his boots on the ground. He was so fast he was already gaining on me. I needed to slow him down. I felt to make sure the journal was still in my pants.

I thought for a moment, he needs to slow down to get through certain obstacles right? I ran for the little village and hoped I could make it there before he could catch up to me.

I took a chance by glancing over my shoulder and gasped trying to run harder. He was like a yard behind me!

I was relieved to see the village town. But it was for nothing as I felt arms go around my waist. I started to fall forward as his weight hit me.

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