chapter 3: those who cry

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I looked up at the sky tired but couldn't sleep. My head hurt and my arm was pulsing in pain. I wasn't sure what was wrong with it still. I was laying under a broken down solar car. I was hiding from John's mostly. I rolled back under it.

I thought I heard movement. John's was actively targeting me. He would pinch me , poke me, stalk me, grope me... But only when he found me alone...

I stayed perfectly still as footsteps came close. I barely breathed...

" Oh come out little bunny." John called as he ran a hand across the vehicle. I looked over to see his feet as they crunched on the gravel.

Suddenly he crouched down, his eyes boring into mine. He grabbed my leg before I could move, dragging me out. I screamed trying to get out.

He reached down grabbing me by the throat, " shut the hell up no one can hear you!" He growled into my face.

I whimpered and he started dragging me into a building. No! I gasped as he slammed me into a dusty bed. I screamed and kicked him but he grabbed my leg. How was he so strong?!

He laughed, " she's got some lungs on her! No one can hear you stupid girl. I sent everyone back to the crash with riddick. No one will hear you and if you say a word I'll kill you here and now." He pulled the gun from its holster and pressed it to my skull.

I let out a muffled cry...


Hey there, I'm going to skip over this nasty dark stuff there...


Johns buckled his pants and pulled his boots as I laid on the bed sweety and teary eyed. I wanted to die... I felt tainted ... Ruined..

I curled up into a ball sobbing into the pillow as he put his shirt on. " Oh stop your crying. Get up and put your filthy clothes on... And remember if you don't keep your mouth shut your dead little girl and so is everyone else." He threatened. " Better yet I'll kill Jack." He smirked. " Or I'll do the same to her."

My face paled. I got up and with shaking arms I pulled my dirty clothes back on. My clothes had been torn even more.... I without a second look at him left and just took off running toward the crash.

I'd never wanted to hide so much. But I'd never hated the world so much in my life. I wanted blood... I wanted... I swallowed my words. I let tears run down my face as I ran harder toward the others. He couldn't touch me if others were around. I didn't ever want to be alone.

I dove under the bones and then plowed up the hill. I reached them sooner than I was ready but was still glad to see others. I reached them as Fry was being pulled out of a rock in the ground?

I tried to wipe the tears from my eyes and focus on Fry. She was panting fear in her eyes. They had just cut a cord on her...

" What the hell happened?" My face went pale as I heard it come from John's mouth. I shrank away and helped fry to her feet.

He went up to him and waved her arms around, " are fucked! Zeke wasn't killed by Riddick. There are things in the dark down there... Monsters!" She rasped then turned to the others, " I found parts of his body but those things have eaten them!" She said it pushed past me and Jack heading toward the crashed ship.

I turned to Shazza who looked confused and hurt. I wanted to comfort her but I couldn't do it... I just... I bit back a sob and then walked down toward Fry with Jack on my tail.... I wanted to be alone... But not alone.

Jack trailing behind me, generally happy and clueless, brought both calmness and fear... She hadn't a clue of the darkness of the beautiful universe. I felt my core shake... Not two days ago I was just as bad. I still have a positive outlook but right now. I only saw darkness.

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