chapter 7: into the dark

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I knew at this point I probably didn't deserve to survive after what I had just done. I ended someone else's life, but I didn't want to die... Because of me doing that and then dying what a waist that would be. That's what I was telling myself anyway.

I panted as I ran toward the light that shined somewhere in the village. I could hear the things landing behind me as I ran. I could make it. I had to make it...

Hell I couldn't really even see, all I saw was a light shining overhead like a spot light into the sky.

I finally heard his voice, " Alice get your ass moving!!!" His voice boomed over the buildings. It was Riddick, oh how my heart sang at the sound of his voice, hope!

" I'm trying!" I screamed back and wondered if he could hear me. I knew for one that as the clicking noises got closer, they had. I grunted as I ducked into what I was hoping was a building and hid.

I waited as I heard the creatures crash into each other. They knew I was in the building and I could tell that much... I heard a thud on the ceiling and swallowed.

Maybe I should have kept going. But they had been so fast I was sure they would have caught up to me before I could reach the others. I also couldn't really see all that well. My eyes had adjusted just enough to maybe make out dark shapes in the dark... Different shades of black. I sighed... As the clicking didn't seem to get much closer at least.

I was crouching behind something... Maybe a bed? I wish I had my back pack but it was still missing since my adventures with Riddick in the boneyard. I could have at least had a damn light. Stupidly at the moment all I could think was how I didn't like calling him riddick also that I probably deserved to die.

I could tell I was coming down from my adrenaline rush... Not the whole way but enough for the emotions to start stinging. I decided that since it had gotten just more silent... I would move... I crept to the door looking out into the dark... It was scary, I'd have to say that.

To experience complete darkness, the void it all became I was surprised I made it this far without falling.

I don't think I had even experienced darkness like this... I listened into the darkness... Nothing that I could tell. I took a breath and then stepped out, I didn't like that I could really just run into one of those things without even knowing it.

I placed my hand on the wall walking very slowly along it. Once I was away from the building I had been in I could see just a bit from the light shining up into the sky.

I could see just enough to see a creature that looked like a hammerhead shark and a pterodactyl mixed together.

I froze in horror, maybe it's because they look so much like dinosaurs but something told me they didn't see like normal animals I was used to. I was on an alien planet but also they lived in the dark so rather they didn't see or they saw very well.

It was looking toward me but not moving. It wasn't until it made a clicking noise did it seem to notice me.

Echo location, it was valuable information if I wasn't killed. Something told me not to run as the creature turned its head clicking again. I stood as still as the wall. I held my breath as long as I could without gasping. When it finally turned the other way I moved quickly around the corner.

I stopped dead in my tracks as I nearly came face to face with yet another creature. I stepped back bumping into something. A hand went over my mouth and he didn't say a word but my mind told me it couldn't be John's so I was safe.

His smell told me it was Riddick.

I became like a statue against his chest... We both watched the creature repeat what the last did. This one inches closer though... Click... Step. Suddenly there was screeching in the direction I had come from and the creature turned away from us for a second that's all it took though. Riddick yanked us into the shadows of the next building.

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